Omicron continues to generate underlines, even as Covid-19 transmission rates drop

Omicron continues to generate underlines, even as Covid-19 transmission rates drop

The Omicron variable Of SARS-CoV-2, despite having low transmission rates, it continues to generate new sublines, without stopping. Currently, none of them have been a major concern, nor have they proven important enough to acquire new names, as did the parental variant itself: the Greek names for alpha, beta, gamma and delta variants appeared, for example. The need to classify the dominant strains with new important characteristics from an epidemiological point of view.

Between the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022, the omicron caused peaks in transmission and hospitalizations worldwide, but the decline in transmission and the absence of worrisome variables led to a stagnation in the nomenclature. Since November last year, according to the World Health Organization, more than half of those infected had one of the five sub-variants of omicron – BA.1, Bachelor 2BA.3, Bachelor 4 or BA.5.

Photo: RW Footage / Envato / Canaltech

Little transition but still uneven

Novel coronavirus positivity rates remain low, reaching only 3% in the last month of November and a plateau in the frequency of probable cases for the BA.4 and BA.5 sub variants, which remained at 97.9% of infection. Among the traded subsidiary lines, the main one is BE.1.1, which is descended from BA.5. It also led to the emergence of others Differences, such as BK, BF and BE. At this point, experts report difficulty in tracking the new variants, due to the large subdivision between them.

And this, according to science, is normal: Every time SARS-CoV-2 infects an individual, there is a chance that the virus will mutate when it multiplies randomly. In the vast majority of cases, these changes are of low or even null significance, which do not require epidemiological classifications.

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about 200 Omicron confirms Its sub-variables are currently being estimated, and the chances of more of them appearing depends on their circulation. There is no expectation that the virus will disappear, according to experts, who have predicted two or three mutations per month. As it is, with lower baud rates, there will be no direct variables, but rather Omicron confirms. However, they appear faster than we can sequence.

Vaccination is still important

It is worth remembering The importance of vaccinations, which prepares us for the arrival of new variables. We are in a time of low booster vaccination, but the epidemic is not over yet – that is, health authorities, such as the World Health Organization, continue to recognize their presence in the world – we still need to be immunized, given that mass transmission of variants is still possible.

This, of course, applies to viruses other than SARS-CoV-2: recently, the spread of monkeypox has begun to cause global concern, and several types of influenza are still widely transmitted. Experts believe that, at the very least, we will not see new Greek letters sealing the news about the coronavirus infection, but you can’t be too careful.

source: Einstein Agency

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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