4 foods that prevent your brain from aging

4 foods that prevent your brain from aging

Our bodies don’t just change over the years. a brain Cognitive functions are also affected by age. And if you want to reduce the effects of aging, diet and foods Consume is of fundamental importance in the process.

Read more: Ultra-processed foods may contribute to cognitive decline

The Ohio State University neurologist, Kieran F. Rajneesh Good Brain Foods And the benefits your body gets from adding it to your regular diet. In the following list, you will know which foods to include in your diet routine in order to improve cognitive functions and strengthen brain function.


Fish is known for its many health benefits. Eating two or more servings per week of fish contributes to healthy brain development, as it contains substances that help rebuild myelin, the structure that protects the brain.

Adding fish to your weekly diet also helps improve memory and cognition in general, which is important when it comes to aging.


Nuts are an essential oil seed to keep the brain healthy. This is due to the large amount of vitamin E and fatty acids present in this food.

In this way, regular consumption of walnuts helps repair brain damage and maintain good cognitive performance, increasing the critical and logical thinking of those who consume them.

the fruit

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is an important measure in repairing brain tissue and cell membranes that line the body. This occurs due to the activity found in foods rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, such as some fruits.

The presence of micronutrients and a large amount of antioxidants make the fruit a great ally in repairing and restoring brain function over time.

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Turmeric, or turmeric, is a wonderful ingredient to add to your diet. In addition to adding flavor, turmeric is known for its ability to maintain memory health and for its anti-cancer and anti-aging properties.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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