Workers who request this review can receive up to R$10,000

Workers who request this review can receive up to R,000

Did you know that workers can request an FGTS review? With that said, these people will still be able to receive up to R$10,000! Have you ever thought? However, although some people are unaware, this is a widely discussed topic. These are cash corrections to the Severance Compensation Fund (FGTS).

These patches remain open, but many workers have high expectations about when that patch will be made, mainly to get access to that extra money. Find out more information about this review.

Workers who request this review can receive up to R,000
Workers can request an FGTS review through the credit of justice: @jeanedeoliveirafotografia /

FGTS Review

If implemented, this revision of the Fundo de Garantia could award an average of R$10,000 to each worker who performed a paid job with an official contract between 1999 and the present day. This measure includes far more recipients than the so-called Whole Life Review.

The average amount owed was set by a startup called LOIT. Provides services to people who wish to seek the right to revise FGTS values ​​that have been lost due to inflation. People can access the LOIT website through the link🇧🇷

In total, more than 500 thousand calculations were made throughout 2022. That is why the startup is aware of the average amount that can be paid. The account is free.

See also: How do I get the 40% FGTS fine? What are the requirements?

How can workers request an FGTS review?

If the worker knows the value of the revision itself, which is the recalculation of the history of balances through monetary correction, he will be able to decide whether or not to apply for revision. The application is usually made from the Special Federal Court, as it is a lawsuit against Caixa Econômica Federal and amounts less than the 60 minimum wage.

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According to professional lawyers, the right thing to do is to file a review application before the Supreme Federal Court (STF) enters into a decision against the account.

know more: Residents of these cities can now withdraw more than R$6,000 from FGTS

Should the decision be made in 2023?

The STF ruling surrounding the FGTS review has been scheduled three times. The process had been under discussion since 2019, with the first trial scheduled for December of that year. The last time there was an appointment was in May 2021. Each time the request was removed from the agenda. Meanwhile, workers continue to get hurt.

With that said, there’s no way to know if an official decision will be made in 2023, given this uncertainty. Both workers and labor protection bodies are pressing for the agenda to be prioritized again in the STF. At least 400,000 Brazilians have applied for review in court and are just waiting for a decision to be entitled to the additional amount.

However, not only these 400 thousand people will benefit from the positive decision, but also more than 70 million workers who have already worked under a formal contract and thus received FGTS.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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