The hospital closes 10 intensive care beds in Três Corações and claims it has no money to pay them.
The São Sebastião Hospital has closed 10 intensive care beds in Tres Corasues. The shutdown occurred due to a lack of resources to keep the units operating.
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The beds were opened due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and even after the serious cases of the disease decreased, they continued to operate. With no funds to keep it open, it closed on August 31.
“We paid for 10 months. Four months the city paid for it, and six months the hospital itself paid for it. Unfortunately, we can no longer afford the beds, the cost is R$229,000 per month. We paid what we could,” explained hospital director Vanderlei Toledo. You put up with it, and now, since we haven’t got accreditation and qualification yet, we’ve had to close.”
The closure, according to the director, will directly affect the population. Of the 20 ICU beds that were in operation in the ICU, half are now in operation.
“It has a direct impact on the population. People are going to wait longer to try to get a bed in the ICU. Today we have ten SUS beds and two private, to give you an idea, today I have 11 SUS patients hospitalized there. That means I have more than capacity that I am recognized by the Therapeutic Services Unit (SUS) of the hospital I admitted today. There is a SUS patient, in serious condition, in a special bed. Since SUS only admits 10 beds, this 11th bed is not recognized and not paid for. He said The hospital pays for this.
There is still a possibility of the units reopening, as the beds are in the process of being approved by the Minas Gerais State Government.
He added, “We are still in the process of dealing with the state, which has not yet given us a final decision that it does not recognize or adopt. The accreditation process is slow, it’s a very slow and bureaucratic process, where documents come and go. “We no longer had the financial resources to pay, so we had to close and wait,” said the manager.
a EPTVaffiliate Globo TVcontacted the Minas Gerais State Health Department, but as of this post had not received a response regarding the hospital’s accreditation of a possible reopening of beds.
On the other hand, the Ministry of Health has informed that it is up to the local director to request the opening, closing or expansion of SUS intensive care beds.
The report also tried to contact the Tres Corasues City Council, but was unable to obtain a response.