Why did Wagner disappear in Elas por Elas? Renee’s husband returns with mysterious TV news

Why did Wagner disappear in Elas por Elas?  Renee’s husband returns with mysterious TV news

Wagner (Cesare Melo) will appear and leave Rene (Maria Clara Spinelli) confused at Elas por Elas. The mysterious man will start watching the family from afar, without having the courage to explain the reason for his disappearance. He will search for information about his children, but will use a fake name so as not to be revealed in Globo’s 6 o’clock soap opera.

In the series created by writers Alessandro Marson and Teresa Falcao, Wagner suddenly disappears in the first chapters. He took all the furniture in the house and stole money from the bakery.

Renee is shocked when she realizes that she has been dumped along with Vic (Pia Santana) and Tony (Richard Abelha). The situation got worse when they discovered they were bankrupt.

The family ends up being evicted from their home and loses their bakery – relying on the kindness of Erica (Monique Alvradic) for temporary housing.

During the fight, the protagonist rolls up his sleeves and starts selling dreams to make money. He also gets Tony a job in Lara’s (Deborah Secco) office.

But the past will haunt her in the scenes scheduled to be broadcast on Thursday (20). Renee would be pretty sure she saw Wagner watching her from afar, but she wouldn’t convince her stepsons.

In Chapter Twenty-Seven, Vic will tell her mother that she has taken a desperate step. The young woman reportedly shared a photo of her father among a group of missing people.

Wagner will appear again in a meeting with Evilásio (Cosme dos Santos). But he will introduce himself as Moacyr and take the opportunity to investigate the old man about Rene and the children.

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Elas por Elas replaces Amor Perfeito (2023) in Globo’s current six-man band. The series, written by Alessandro Marson and Teresa Falcao, is a reinterpretation of the 1982 plot, created by Cassiano Gabos Mendes (1927-1993).

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