Who is Ricardo Barros, named in the Covid’s CPI as the hub of the chart in the Covaxin case

Who is Ricardo Barros, named in the Covid’s CPI as the hub of the chart in the Covaxin case

attributed to him, Pablo Valadares / House of Representatives

Illustrative image,

Ricardo Barros, the current leader of the government in Congress, was Minister of Health from 2016 to 2018 in the Temer government

Cited in the Covid’s CPI as the focus of alleged wrongdoing in the purchase of the Indian vaccine Covaxin, Ricardo Barros (PP-PR) spent more than 20 years as a federal MP and was already a member of the Allied Base of Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Luis Inácio Lula da Silva and Michel Fear before Support President Jair Bolsonaro.

An important figure in the so-called Centrão, as the informal bloc is called in the Chamber, which brings together parties without a clear ideological line, but with conservative values, he was the leader or vice president of the National Congress of nearly all presidents elected after the military dictatorship.

On Friday (25) Ricardo Barros, who is currently at the helm of Bolsonaro’s government in the National Congress, became one of the most mentioned names in the corridors of Planalto and the Senate.

In testimony to Covid’s CPI, Representative Luis Miranda (DEM-DF) said Barros was the MP that Bolsonaro would have referred when he learned of suspected corruption in the contract to purchase the Indian vaccine, Covaxin.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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