Who is Lena Bo Bardi, the star of the Venice Biennale that Mario Frias does not know – 05/21/2021 – illustrations

Who is Lena Bo Bardi, the star of the Venice Biennale that Mario Frias does not know – 05/21/2021 – illustrations

During the opening of the Brazilian Pavilion of the 17th International Exhibition of Architecture at the Venice Biennale that was held on Thursday (20), the Private Secretary for Culture said, Mario Frias said – In an interview with a sheet- Ignores Italian-Brazilian Lina Bo Bardi, That is celebrated at this event With the Golden Lion award.

The minister’s statement sparked outrage on social media, because Beau Bardi, besides being the big star of this biennial, is one of the biggest names in Brazilian architecture of the last century.

In a memo published when the Golden Lion was announced, Hashem Sarkis, the event curator, said, “If there is an architect who adequately represents the theme of this year’s biennial [‘Como Viveremos Juntos?’]She is Lina Bo Bardi. “

His career as a designer, editor, curator and activist It reminds us of the architect’s role as an organizer and, primarily, as the builder of collective visions. Lina Bo Bardi also embodies the architect’s tenacity in difficult times, be it wars, political conflicts or immigration, and her ability to remain creative, generous and optimistic at all times, ”said Sarkis.

The architect was distinguished by works that read as both classical and folk art. And anyone who thinks Bo Bardi only built large buildings is wrong. She produced many designs, antiques and installations.

By the way, many of his works were created from items he found in the trash. to her, These pieces were the starting point for building an authentic Brazilian culture.

Born in Rome in 1914, the Italian moved to São Paulo at the age of 32. In São Paulo, he gained notoriety through projects such as the famous Masp postcard, São Paulo Museum of Art, and the trendy Casa de Vidro, where he lived to the end of his life, such as Sesc Pompeia and Teatro Oficina.

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Bo Bardi was also the one who created the art magazine Habitat, Which was part of the Masp project, an enterprise run by architect Pietro Maria Bardi’s husband. The post carried pictures of modern art and design, as well as so-called folk art.

A notable feature of Masp associated with the Italian-Brazilian is the folding auditorium seat made of wood and leather, which is considered the first modern chair in Brazil.

In 1948 Bo Bardi co-founded Studio d’Arte Palma which is known for the manufacture of wooden furniture.

At the end of the next decade, the architect took the direction of the Museum of Modern Art in Bahia and restored the Solar do Unhão, located in Salvador.

In an interview with LeafAnd the Or the critic Francesco Perrotta BoschThis month, who launched the book “Lena: The Biography of Uma,” she said the architect was “affectionate and tough at the same time.” “And some projects, like Cesc Pompeia, show this friendliness and toughness.”

According to curator Sarkis, her projects stand out for the union between architecture, nature, life and society through her drawings and figures. “In your hands, architecture really becomes a social art.” We are a family owned and operated business.

Bo Bardi died on March 20, 1992 at the age of 78, due to a pulmonary embolism. His career is world famous and is now celebrated at the Venice Biennale, despite Mario Frias’ lack of knowledge.

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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