What is the best cardio exercise to lose weight?

What is the best cardio exercise to lose weight?

Heart disease

All three cardio exercises are good for your health. Find out which one fits your routine best.

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Pedro Lima

Published on 05/29/2024 at 9:16


Hey Aerobic exercise, commonly called “cardio”It is essential for improving cardiorespiratory capacity and heart circulatory health.

Moreover, it helps increase calorie burning, which contributes to weight loss.

But which activity do you choose: walking, running or cycling?


Find out if it's better to do cardio before or after training if your goal is to lose weight. – Freebec

Running: Intensity and better weight loss

According to experts Running is a more cardio-intensive optionwhich can increase calorie consumption and improve aerobic capacity.

The concept of what is best is always subjective and highly individual. What is best for one person may not be best for another“, Carlos Leandro Tiegman told CNN Brasil.

For those who are advanced in physical activities and looking to lose weight, running can be ideal, as it greatly increases caloric expenditure and aerobic capacity.

Pay attention, this is the activity that It requires advance physical preparation to avoid joint injuries.

Hiking: Ideal for beginners


race. – Freebec

For beginners, walking may be the best cardio option. It is a lower intensity and impact activity, requiring less physical conditioning.

Walking is the most basic movement of all, it puts less stress on the joints and requires no equipment.“, comments Tiggemann.

The walk is accessible and effective for those just starting out Benefits for the heart and respiratory system Without exposing a high risk of injury.

Cycling: Low impact and high efficiency

Reproduction/Freepik javi_indy

Heart disease. academy; Practice – Reproduction/Freepik javi_indy

Cycling is An excellent alternative for beginners in the physical activity routineAs long as they know how to ride a bike.

a Cycling has the advantage of reducing the impact on the jointsAs the body weight is not transferred to the ankles, knees, hips and lower back.

“On the other hand, you have more overload in the pubic area and more overload on the wrists, elbows and shoulders,” Tiggemann says.

Cycling can also be adapted to different fitness levels, making it a versatile option.

See also: Weight loss recipe: beetroot juice with lemon

With information from CNN Brazil

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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