“We are so stupid.”

“We are so stupid.”

Arthur, Gilberto and Boca spoke during the night About the wall that formed last night. He and the singer co-vote with digital influencer Camila De Lucas.

“Between me and you, Pocah and Phuk, it was clear that there would always be 3 people. We are so stupid,” said the Pernambuco man’s gym coach, lamenting that the group is not united to escape the walls.

Pocah stated that he does not wish to go with Arthur. “I thought I was going with Camila and Phuk,” the singer said. Gilberto analyzed this moment in the match.

“Now technically there is not even a majority, there are 6 people. There is nothing to be done. Now there is no vote on your stage and what remains is a standard of gold-to-wall at least,” he said.

Immediately after the wall is formed, Arthur complained to Pocah about Phuk’s vote. “Well, it’s back to square one,” the coach said after the singer asked him not to be upset.

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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