Turismo de Portugal welcomes its inclusion in the UK’s green list ″

Turismo de Portugal welcomes its inclusion in the UK’s green list ″

On Friday, Turismo de Portugal welcomed the UK’s decision to include the country in the “green list” of low-risk destinations for contracting the Covid-19 virus, which it considered “good news for national tourism”.

“In this initial stage of the resumption of tourism activity at the international level, this is good news for national tourism, as it indicates confidence in the destination of Portugal.”The company, Turismo de Portugal, said in a statement.

British Transport Secretary Grant Shaps announced today that Portugal will be on the “green list” of countries deemed safe to travel and exempt from quarantine upon arrival in England from 17 May.

The organization indicated that Portugal is currently one of the countries in Europe with the lowest incidence of Covid-19, “A positive development has been recorded in all indicators of pandemic control, from a significant decrease in the infection rate to a very expressive successive decline in the number of active cases.”

For the president of Turismo de Portugal, Luis Araujo, “This is an important step in the recovery” of tourism and the national economy.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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