Treatment and cure will save her against breast cancer!

Treatment and cure will save her against breast cancer!

“Hello all,

My name is Francisco Jr. and I’m here to share a personal story that deeply impacted me and everyone in my family. My dear cousin, Alkeria Sevilha, was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Kiriya is a wonderful person, full of energy and inspiring willpower. And now it’s our turn to return all the love and care you’ve given us all these years. Unfortunately, breast cancer treatment is long, difficult and financially exhausting. That’s why I decided to create this campaign on The goal is to raise money to help Walkeria pay for tests, medications, medical appointments, treatments and all the support needed for her treatment. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a huge difference in her healing journey. Moreover, sharing this campaign with your friends, family and contacts on social media is also a great help in expanding your reach and getting more support. Let’s come together as a supportive community and make a difference in the lives of Walkeria. Our contribution is vital so that she can face this challenge more comfortably and focus her energy on her recovery. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for every donation and for all the positive thoughts you can send. “With your support and love, I’m sure we can give Walkeria the chance to win this battle. Thank you so much for being here and caring. Francisco Jr.”

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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