The UK continues to attract business

The UK continues to attract business
Patricio Patricio, Sarah Santos, Fetima Pinto Pessa, Luis Philippe Cavelhiro, Ricardo Jose Silva and Toin Locket

Patricio Patricio, head of the AICEP delegation in London, noted that the United Kingdom is a “very important partner” for Portugal as it is the second largest in the European environment, representing more than 65 million consumers and the sixth largest economy in the world. , When he intervened in a webinar advertised by CENIT in association with ANIVEC.

In the fashion sector, the appeal is undeniable: clothing consumption represents 4.5% of the British family budget, which was 69 69 billion in 2019, and more than 90% of textiles and clothing purchased by high street consumers were imported.

“This will continue after the much-coveted market and the possible consequences from Brexit,” says Pedro Patricio, adding that “British consumers spend, 4,400 more on clothing every year than they did 15 years ago, compared to 15 years ago.”

However, the United Kingdom, like many markets, has experienced some evolution with the epidemic, the toy locket, from consultation first and foremost, showed up in pre-recorded video communications. “53% of people out of contagion spend less on clothes,” he acknowledged, but he realized that “it’s not really about people spending less on clothes, it’s about people choosing to be more aware” and, in some cases, “going out of bounds”. Because they “know too much about their money”, this led to many problems for the intermediate market.

Point Pedro

There is a boom online, “More than half of the UK fashion sales take place online. This change may be permanent, but it is not something that can be reduced quickly, ”the adviser said.

Problems such as e-commerce and the tendency for nearby showings could benefit the Portuguese industry, due to the longevity of trade relations between Portugal and the United Kingdom. “Mostly Portuguese companies, precisely because they have been working with the UK for a long time and have these friendly ties, can be better prepared than some companies in other countries,” the AICEP delegation underlined.

Another advantage for Portugal is the need for more sustainable products – a trend pointed out by Doin Lacotte – and product recycling. Environmental issues related to the environment and sustainability are all important issues that need to be taken into account and presented by the Portuguese companies. [este tipo de produto]. Even if it increases the cost, it may be worth it, because the consumer is willing to pay more for a product that is sold as a sustainable product, while keeping the consistency and organicness at the highest level உத்தர, guaranteed Point Pedro.

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For brands that want to establish themselves in the British market, Doin Lockett has left some tips, namely betting on stability and transparency and a flexible pricing strategy, as well as a strong online presence through social networks. “Social media drives the fashion market in the UK,” he said.

As an obstacle to bureaucracy

However, Brexit brought difficulties in the trade relationship between Portugal and the United Kingdom. After the transition period, which ended on January 1 this year, a number of changes took place, and despite a comprehensive trade and cooperation agreement, the procedures were many. “The EU usually does not negotiate a traditional free trade agreement with other third parties,” explained Sarah Santos, director general of the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ Economic Affairs, adding that this includes areas such as transport and energy. , Fisheries and justice, for example.

In terms of trade, he predicted that there would be no customs duties and tariff quotas – a great achievement and a wonderful result achieved, but he stressed that the customs system should be in place in the relationship between the two states so as not to impede trade flows between the two parties.

Therefore, all goods should be submitted to the customs authorities and submitted for inspection in different areas. In addition, companies wishing to benefit from zero tariff obligations are required to present so-called source certificates, which demonstrate that the goods comply with the source rules defined in the contract, Sarah Santos said.

As Fetima Pinto Pessa from the Tax Authority’s Customs Service explained, “We may state that the conditions under which goods are deemed to have been created for the purpose of applying the customs law are the original rules”, that is, “unconditional goods, manufactured in a country other than the EU or the United Kingdom, or contracted Subject only to activities which are not considered sufficient under, subject to payment of duties due to import, in accordance with the respective customs duties, ”he pointed out.

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Sarah Santos

Currently, bilateral meetings between the European Commission and UK customs officials take place from time to time, establishing a joint guideline with best-defined criteria for adequate operations to determine appearance. Terms In general terms, these rules can be of different types, they can be installed to indicate that a particular item used in the product must be derived entirely from the original, or may be subject to a specific type of modification that may include items that are not used in the product, ”Fetima Pinto Pessa explained.

At the time of export, “before announcing the priority appearance, the exporter must ensure that it complies with the applicable requirements and rules”. Fetima also advised Pinto Pessa to have a broader view of customs duties. “This demand for priority treatment based on the source of origin is the treatment of the most desirable nation, i.e. the rate applicable to any third country, i.e. the so-called DPT is not zero because if it is a product it is already zero on the agenda, it makes no sense to ask for preference,” he recalled.

But if this is not the case, Sarah Santos points out that rates can vary from 8% to 12% for textiles and clothing if the exporter does not provide a certificate of origin. “This exemption from customs duty is not automatic. It is not enough for the exporter to know that the product I am exporting complies with the terms of origin. I, the exporter, must provide proof that this benefit actually complies with the terms of origin. Should be exempted from. ”Customs, referring to the representative of the Directorate General of Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Economy.

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The importance of the project

Although the epidemic has been going on for some time, it would have postponed some of the difficulties of this new system for export to the United Kingdom. Issues Many of these issues start to feel dormant and serious, so be aware that all of these procedures are insoluble, but they do take some time to learn, they are costs based on human resources, costs based on bureaucracy, they may not be consistent with the timeline, or they may lose credibility as a supplier – It must be protected », Sarah Santos warned.

Ricardo Jose Silva

To avoid these obstacles, Rangal offered some advice to companies. The planning before the start of exports will be decisive for the business, and exports for profit and loss for exports may be different from exports for better or worse, Ricardo Jose Silva, manager and official sender of Wrangle, stressed. In the second phase, it is necessary to prepare the documents, “not only at the time of departure, but also from Portugal or elsewhere in the EU,” he added.

The carrier’s experience is that the market has become more important, which has led to an increase in the frequency of ships, four departures per week from the north of Portugal to various destinations in the UK, and three departures in reverse. ெல்லாம் Nowadays, English customers, English brands, are starting to choose Portugal, not only for the quality of our textile industry, but also for the quality of our shoe industry, because, as you all know, the Atlantic routes between the Far East and Europe are congested ” Philip summoned the policeman.

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About the Author: Morton Obrien

"Reader. Infuriatingly humble travel enthusiast. Extreme food scholar. Writer. Communicator."

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