The study says Earth could lose 41% of its ice mass by 2100

The study says Earth could lose 41% of its ice mass by 2100

An international team led by Carnegie Mellon University professor David Rounce has made new predictions for the loss of… glacier over the century. The Rounce team’s study is published in the journal Sciences On the fifth of January.

In the article, there are future climate scenarios based on the global average temperature and its changes. One of the projections says that the a land The glacier could lose this century, which is worrying.

Great effect on global warming

Depending on the positions to appease weather changesThe study revealed that our planet is at risk of losing between 26% and 41% of its ice mass in the 21st century. Given the lack of climate control, a 2°C increase in the global average temperature could disproportionately affect icy regions at low latitudes such as Central Europe and the Andes. Already with an increase of 3 ° C, these areas can disappear.

Moreover, if investments in fossil fuels continue, the situation will get worse and the global temperature will rise significantly.

This is because this production could increase the percentage of ice mass disappearance, leading to an 80% loss by the end of this century. That is, there will be more breakdowns and imbalances than we already have.

The information also indicates that even if there is a decrease in fuel emissions and a decrease in global climate temperature, there will be a loss of more than 25% of the ice mass. In this way, 50% of the glaciers should also disappear.

An important point to remember is that even if there were a complete interruption of such emissions, it would still be necessary to wait thirty to a hundred years for the mass loss to stabilize from glaciers.

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With that said, David says most of these glaciers are small, with an area of ​​just a few square kilometres. However, this loss negatively affects tourism, global hydrology, people (due to sea level rise), and some cultural values.

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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