The Northeast was the region that sent the largest number of SUS volunteers during the Republika Srpska flood, says the ministry | Rio Grande do Sul

The Northeast was the region that sent the largest number of SUS volunteers during the Republika Srpska flood, says the ministry |  Rio Grande do Sul

RS: Volunteers work in field hospitals

The Northeast Region, which includes volunteers from eight states, is the region that sent the most professionals to work in Republika Srpska: 121 volunteersThis is equivalent to 33.2% of the total. See the numbers below.

Most of the volunteers have already returned to their states. About 150 people remained in Republika Srpska. Next Friday (7) 88 more volunteers, including doctors, nurses, nursing technicians, social workers and others, will arrive to enhance services.

SUS professionals were brought to Republika Srpska in the National Force and focused on healthcare in one of the field hospitals – Photo: Alexander Lima

North Region: 11 professionals

  • Para (PA): 4
  • Roraima (RR): 3
  • Tocantins (TO): 2
  • Amazonas (am): 1
  • Acres (AC): 1

Northeast region: 121 professionals

  • Bahia (BA): 36
  • Sergipe (south-east): 27
  • Rio Grande do Norte (RN): 13
  • Pernambuco (PE): 12
  • Paraíba (PB): 11
  • Ciara (M): 9
  • Alagoas (AL): 8
  • Maranhão (MA): 3
  • Piaui (PI): 2

Central and Western Region: 54 professionals

  • Federal District (DF): 40
  • Goiás (one way): 10
  • Mato Grosso do Sul (MS): 3
  • Mato Grosso (MT): 1

Southeast Region: 62 professionals

  • Sao Paulo (Spain): 31
  • Minas Gerais (MG): 24
  • Rio de Janeiro (RJ): 5
  • Espirito Santo (Spain): 2

South Region: 116 professionals

  • Rio Grande do Sul (RS): 92
  • Parana (PR): 14
  • Santa Catarina (SC): 10

Number of volunteers sent to Republika Srpska by state – Photo: Reproduction

Read also: Floods in Republika Srpska

“At this time, these professionals demonstrate the strength of the unified health system and health workers. Their dedication is admirable. “They chose to take care of people.”Marcio Garcia, Director of the Public Health Emergency Department at the Ministry of Health, told Globonews.

“We also have chronic disease care, because people are left without help, and psychosocial care,” he says.

Served more than 9.4 thousand

The SUS National Force carried out more than 9.4 thousand services provided to residents of Rio Grande do Sul.

First aid, routine care, follow-up and care related to flood-related diseases, such as leptospirosis, are some of the services provided by volunteer health professionals.

Professionals also worked in rescue operations and emergency care for people rescued from injuries. More than two million people were affected by the tragedy in Republika Srpska, and more than 800 others were injured.

As of Sunday (2), 77,873 people have been rescued.

The teams also provide mobile assistance and monitor indigenous villages. More than 300 services were provided in the state.

In 13 years, this is the first time that the National Force of the Unified Health System (FN-SUS) has operated on a mission of this magnitude, with 97% of the state's territory affected.

The Group also provides healthcare in the four field hospitals of the Ministry of Health, in Porto Alegre and three cities in the metropolitan area, Canoas, Novo Hamburgo and São Leopoldo.

The force was created after the tragedy that occurred in the mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro in 2011. There are currently more than 70,000 registered health professionals.

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"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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