The northeast leads the expansion of energy production in the country Economy

The northeast leads the expansion of energy production in the country  Economy
Wind power plants represent 44% of the expansion (Photo by: Julio Caesar)
Photo: Julio Caesar
Wind power plants account for 44% of the expansion

Brazil's electricity generation capacity grew by 4,284 MW in 2024, 93.79% of which came from clean, renewable sources. The greatest expansion of projects is observed in the northeast.

Solar photovoltaic power plants accounted for 49.23% of the added capacity, followed by wind plants with 44%.

The data is from National Electric Energy Agency (ENEL) It is being updated until Friday the 17th. It is also worth noting that the added 4,284 megawatts could serve about 9 million people.

Currently, the installed capacity of the National Interconnected System (SIN) is 202,233 MW, of which 84.49% is from renewable sources. According to the information also released, 132 new power generation projects came into effect this year.

Moreover, the Northeast region is home to the majority of these plants: 104 of these new plants with a capacity of 3,323 MW. In the southeast there are 19 new facilities capable of generating 809.53 megawatts.

“The data reinforces the potential of our Northeast, our hydro, wind and solar resources, as important resources for our energy matrix. We are moving forward with concrete actions to expand this renewable energy, bringing development and creating jobs and income for the population,” stressed the Minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira.

Solar power plants are booming in Brazil. In 2024, there will be 57 new projects and an additional capacity of 2,109 MW. The growth of wind power plants has also been noticeable in recent years, and this year, 62 plants with a capacity of 1,885 megawatts of power were put into operation.

Thermal power plants were the third most representative source of growth this year. So far, 265 megawatts have been added, thanks to the opening of eight projects.

Small hydropower and combined hydroelectric (CGH) plants accounted for 0.55% of capacity added this year, with five new plants.

According to Anil's forecasts, a total of 255 new projects are expected to come into operation by the end of the year, representing an increase of 9,182 MW. It is expected that solar and wind power plants will follow, like the majority of the plants that will be opened.

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The factories that started operating in 2024 are located in 14 states. The most notable events, in descending order, were Rio Grande do Norte (1,381.23 MW), Bahia (673.50 MW), and Minas Gerais (649.54 MW).

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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