The Ministry of Health confirms 76 cases of monkeypox in Brazil

The Ministry of Health confirms 76 cases of monkeypox in Brazil

According to research, outbreaks can continue to grow rapidly if the spread is not reduced. (Photo: EBC)

Brazil already has 76 confirmed cases in six states and the Federal District. The information was published by the Ministry of Health on Sunday (3). The state of São Paulo, which recorded the highest infection rate, recorded 52 cases, followed by Rio de Janeiro with 16 cases. The states of Ceará, Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul recorded two cases. Rio Grande do Norte and the Federal District have revealed one case.

To monitor the spread of the disease in the country, the Ministry of Health has set up an operating room. Based on this mechanism, the ministry maintains direct contact with health departments to identify potential cases of monkeypox. The ministry also stated that it is in contact with state health departments to continue monitoring the emergence of new cases and tracing people who have been in close contact with the infected. The ministry also says that it continues to communicate directly with the states to monitor cases and trace contacts of patients.

According to the official note, “So far, 76 cases of monkeypox have been confirmed in Brazil, one in the Federal District, one in Rio Grande do Norte, two in Minas Gerais, two in Rio Grande do Sul, two in Ceará, 16 in Rio de Janeiro and 52 in São Paulo. The ministry, through the operating room and the national CIEVS, continues to contact states directly to monitor cases and trace contacts of patients.”

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global outbreak

In recent months, the disease has spread to Europe and the United States. The first case was registered in Brazil on June 8. At the end of June, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the situation at the moment did not constitute a health emergency of international importance. This means that the WHO, while acknowledging concern about the disease, recognizes that the outbreak is not as serious, for example, as the Covid pandemic.

Health authorities have said that the infection strength of monkeypox is less than that of the Covid virus, as well as the occurrence of serious cases of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of the disease appear 5 to 21 days after infection and persist for 2 to 4 weeks. Initial signs are fever, headache, muscle and back aches, swollen lymph nodes, and chills. One to three days after the onset of the fever, rashes (spots, lesions, or blisters with fluid on the skin) appear.

The Minister of Health Surveillance at the Ministry of Health, Arnaldo Medeiros, called for attention to these symptoms. “We need to be on the lookout for any symptoms. In case of appearance [de algum sinal]Find your primary health unit. Go to the doctor. Because the doctor will examine you. “He will know how to make a diagnosis and he will know how to provide the appropriate clinical management for your case,” Medeiros said.

The minister said that people with suspected or confirmed cases should be in isolation (in hospitals or in their homes) so as not to pass the disease on to other people. Bed linen and articles for personal use [da pessoa infectada ou com suspeita da doença] They must be sterilized, washed several times with soap and water, and passed with hot water to disinfect them from contamination. “This is very important,” he said.

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