The main differences, characteristics and forms of cultivation

The main differences, characteristics and forms of cultivation

Dodonaea viscosa and Dodonaea angustifolia are two types Classify Outstanding features add elegance and whimsy to gardens.

Originating from different regions, these plants share fascinating characteristics but also have striking differences.

Better understand the origins, unique characteristics, cultivation methods, similarities and differences, as well as information on how to propagate this unusual species.

Source: Elena Rostonova / Shutterstock

Dodonaea viscosa: origins and characteristics

Originally from Australia and known as the “Hop Bush” because of the resemblance of its seeds to small hop cones, Dodonaea viscosa is a versatile and resistant plant.

for you Leaves Lanceolates appear bright green and acquire a reddish color when they reach maturity. This species is appreciated for its ability to adapt to different climatic and soil conditions.

How to grow Dodonaea viscosa?

To successfully grow Dodonaea viscosa, follow these instructions:

  • Well-drained soil: Prefer well-drained soil to avoid water accumulation around the roots.
  • Sun Exposure: This plant thrives in full sun but tolerates partial shade as well. Moderate Watering: Although it is drought-tolerant, Dodonaea viscosa benefits from regular watering, especially during dry periods.
  • Occasional pruning: Pruning is done occasionally to maintain the desired shape and promote healthy growth.

Dodonaea angustifolia: origins and characteristics

Dodonaea angustifolia, also known as “Puriri” or “Akeake”, is native to New Zealand. Its narrow, glossy leaves provide a distinctive appearance that ranges from green to red depending on the season and weather conditions. This species is appreciated for its decorative beauty and resistance.

How to grow Dodonaea angustifolia?

To successfully grow Dodonaea angustifolia, consider the following recommendations:

  • Well-Drained Soil: Make sure the soil is well-drained to prevent root rot.
  • Light: Choose locations with full sun to promote healthy growth.
  • Drought Tolerance: Like Dodonaea viscosa, Dodonaea angustifolia is drought-tolerant but benefits from regular watering.
  • Aesthetic pruning: Pruning is done to maintain an attractive shape and encourage compact growth.
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Similarities and differences between species

Both species share notable characteristics such as drought resistance, adaptability and ornamental appeal.

However, the differences are also clear. While Dodonaea viscosa has broader leaves and originates from Australia, Dodonaea angustifolia, with its narrow leaves, originates from New Zealand.

How to propagate Dodonaea viscosa and Dodonaea angustifolia

Both types can be propagated by seeds or cuttings.

  • Propagation by seeds: Collect mature seeds and plant them in well-drained soil. Maintain moisture until germination.
  • Propagation by cuttings: Cut a healthy cutting, remove the lower leaves, and plant it in a suitable substrate. Maintain a moist environment until rooting.

Dodonaea viscosa and Dodonaea angustifolia are outstanding choices for gardens, providing beauty and vigor.

With a clear understanding of their origins, distinctive characteristics and special care, you can fully enjoy the presence of these unique plants in your green space, adding an exotic and elegant touch to your garden.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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