The heroes of the remake appear together for the first time

The heroes of the remake appear together for the first time

And the big moment that everyone has been eagerly awaiting has come: the first official behind-the-scenes photo of the remake of “They are theirs‘, the next TV series at 6pm on TV Globo, featuring all the protagonists dressed up as their characters.

This Tuesday, July 18th, Maria Clara SpinelliAnd Karen TellisAnd Deborah SeccoAnd by measureAnd Isabel TeixeiraAnd Thalitta Carota that it Monica Yozzi Appeared together, breaking the web and driving netizens crazy, adding to the anxiety about the arrival of the conspiracy.

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Plot details

If life is the art of getting together, then the English course was the place where fate cared to cross the lives of seven young people, start a great friendship, and make them share, and thus, the pains and pleasures of this stage of life. However, after their weekend at the beach, a sad event breaks that bond and causes a wedge in their friendship.

After 25 years, Lara (Deborah Sekko) finds an old photo and has the idea to get the group back together. She opens her home and welcomes Taís (Késia), Helena (Isabel Teixeira), Adriana (Thalita Carauta), Renée (Maria Clara Spinelli), Natália (Monica Iozzi) and Carol (Karine Teles), not suspecting that the moment of reunion, which should have been a joyful one, will also bring big revelations in the past.

This is the starting point for “Elas por Elas”, the next TV series at 6pm on TV Globo. The remake is due out in September and is written by Teresa Falcao and Alessandro Marson, with art direction by Amora Mautner and genre direction by José Luis Villamarem.

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The re-reading of the plot, which has been updated to this day, maintains the main theme and distinctive features of the work originally created in the 1980s by Cassiano Gabus Mendes.

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Rafael Araujo

Graduated in Journalism at Faculdade Cásper Libero. OFuxico’s first job was as an intern and now as a reporter. She does a little bit of everything on a daily basis, but her favorite subjects are superheroes, other pop culture topics (series, movies, songs), and everything that involves the LGBTQIA+ community.

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