The engineer with the iPhone repair network is notified by Apple

The engineer with the iPhone repair network is notified by Apple

One of the most controversial topics in the digital legal world today is… The right to repair And the appleAlthough it has promoted important developments in recent years in this regard – and even expressed its support for them publicly – it is still far from being a reference company on this issue.

Proof of this is the case of the Colombian engineer Wilmer Becerra, which was extrajudicially served by Massa after publishing a series of videos teaching how to repair the brand’s products. He has an informal technical assistance network located in nine countries in Latin America, and the fame he has gained through his posts (he already has more than 12 million followers) has attracted the company’s most attentive eyes.

In an interview with Folha des PauloBecerra said the first attack on Apple occurred in July of this year, when the company asked him about parts used to repair devices. The engineer stated that he obtains them from authorized stores in the United States, a country that has enacted laws dealing with the latter’s right to repairs.

In his response to the company on August 1, he defended the concept of the right to repair. The man even claims on his social networks that his actions are more effective in promoting sustainability than Apple’s own recycling system, which receives old devices to produce new parts.

Macha’s “attack” on Becerra had many repercussions, enough to attract the attention of Latin American newspapers and internationally known outlets. Like Spanish El Pais.

The engineer has even taken steps to prepare for potential losses that could result from potential legal action, setting up a service to produce custom cases for iPhones — a company whose revenues will pay for lawyers’ payments.

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Amid all the repercussions of the case, Apple – which chose not to comment on the case when contacted by the newspaper – sent a second statement vowing not to take any legal action against the engineer, as long as he stops displaying the company logo on your device. Videos.

Massa also “invited” him to invest in authorized technical assistance, but he said that Bound Which does not intend to accept the proposal, as one of Masa’s guidelines for official repair services states that assistance should not repair faulty parts – but rather replace them.

Currently, Becerra’s works are present in countries such as Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru and Panama. In Brazil, according to him, language barriers still prevent investment.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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