The end of the home office? In-person work with everything will return in 2024

The end of the home office?  In-person work with everything will return in 2024

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, work in Home office It has become a reality for many employees around the world. Due to the social isolation imposed during the pandemic, many companies were forced to adopt remote work and chose to maintain this model even after the pandemic conditions ended.

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However, with the arrival of a new year and with Covid-19 fully under control, many workers are beginning to wonder if there is a possibility The home office comes to an end. Remote work has proven to be an effective solution for keeping businesses running, as well as enabling the recruitment of professionals from other cities, states, and even countries.

Moreover, remote work has brought many advantages, such as saving time, making work routines more flexible and reducing travel. Given these results, many companies have chosen to keep some employees working from home, while others have begun working 100% this way.

In-person work can resume in 2024

According to CBRE Brasil, the return to in-person work is expected to increase in 2024, as companies look for larger spaces to accommodate new employees and the resumption of in-person work for employees working from home. However, the increase in in-person work does not mean that there will be an end to remote work.

Many companies still realize the benefits that working from home brings and intend to maintain the hybrid model. In it, employees combine in-person work days with remote work days. Thanks to this flexibility, employees can achieve a balance between productivity and quality of life.

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Finally, home office has also proven to be a great alternative for businesses that want to reduce their costs by renting physical space. This way, companies can invest in smaller spaces and save money on rent and electricity bills. This is because the team works directly from their homes.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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