The director of the Office for National Statistics says the power outage was caused by equipment failure in the factory economy

The director of the Office for National Statistics says the power outage was caused by equipment failure in the factory economy

The cause of the national blackout on the 15th was Delay in the response time of the equipment in the power plantsaid the Director General of the Office for National Statistics, Luiz Carlos Ciucci, on Tuesday (29).

According to Ciocchi, this failure set off “a series of other small events” that practically broke the connection with the integrated system.

He declared in a session of the House of Representatives that “the big key that was discussed with technicians, engineers and professors in the sector is that the reason lies in a series of other small events that led to the interruption of communication.”

As a result, the 26 union units that make up this interconnected network experienced instability and power outages. The exception was Roraima, which had not yet become part of the national interconnected system and was therefore not affected by the blackout.

Even on the day of the blackout, the Office for National Statistics had already reported that the lockdown affecting the south-eastern and southern regions of the country was a “controlled measure” – that is, deliberate – in response to an error identified in the north-eastern region.

That is: the system is disabled to prevent the spread of a specific problem and damage to equipment due to overload, for example.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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