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The deadly fungi attack Covid-19 patients and cause concern


Leaders of 12 parties sign a memorandum against the Popular Front and “criminal” attacks on Tovoli

São Paulo, SB (Fulhapres) – A group of parliamentarians are organizing a letter expressing “concern” about the Federal Police’s initiative to request authorization from the Supreme Federal Court (STF) to investigate Minister Dias Toffoli. The application is based on the summons of the judge from the former governor of Rio de Janeiro Sergio Cabral in a winning appeal. He was sentenced to more than 300 years in prison and the cooperation agreement he signed with the Federal Police has been criticized by the Federal Public Ministry. Representatives from 12 different parties have already joined the rhetoric of support for Tovoli. Parliamentary document approved by DEM, Republicans, PSD, Rede, PT, PSOL, MDB, PSDB, PL, PCdoB, Progressives and SDD, among whom are the chairpersons of MDB, Baleia Rossi and PSDB , Bruno Araújo, Republicans, Marcos Pereira, of Solidariedade, Paulo Pereira da Silva, former Speaker of the House, Rodrigo Maya, leaders like Fábio Trad, of PSD, Jose Guimarães of PT, Orlando Silva, of PC do B.V. On Tuesday (11), the committee revealed that the Palestinian police had asked the Supreme Court to open an investigation into Cabral’s statements, stating that Tovoli had received 4 million Brazilian reals in favor of two Rio de Janeiro mayors in cases brought before the Supreme Electoral Court. The minister denied, through a note, that he had received any amount. Parliamentarians claim that the Palestinian police want the investigation to take place after the Public Prosecutor’s office has already chosen to archive “all investigations resulting from the cooperation of convicted Sergio Cabral” specifically “due to the inconsistency of his information”. They also say that they record the “impartial and correct way” in which Toffoli ran that electoral court [TSE]They claim to be sympathetic to him against the “unacceptable attacks” by the “whistleblowers mentioned above”. [Sérgio Cabral]“It was done in an“ unfair and criminal way. ”Read the full note:“ Last night, we learned from Folha de S. Paulo that the Federal Police, based on the award-winning cooperation of former Governor Sergio Cabral, sent a request to the Supreme Court to open an investigation for an investigation. With Minister Dias Toffoli, then president of the Supreme Electoral Court. In light of this fact, we, who are subscribing to this note, wish to first express our concern about the conduct adopted by the Federal Police after the Office of the Prosecutor has already chosen to archive all investigations resulting from the cooperation of convicted Sergio Cabral, specifically for the inconsistency of your information. At the same time, we would like to register our solidarity with Minister Tovoli, who was, in an unfair and criminal way, the object of unacceptable attacks by the aforementioned whistleblowers. We, who live with Minister Dias Toffoli as President of the Electoral Court, are recording the impartial and correct manner in which he administered that electoral court, always giving priority to his dismissal and his sense of justice. “

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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