The 4-day week passes the “test” and can become a permanent in the UK; Learn the details

The 4-day week passes the "test" and can become a permanent in the UK;  Learn the details

Tests 4 working days a week In the United kingdom Not over, but shorter working day Closer to becoming definitive for most British professionals.

This is because preliminary data shows that, so far, productivity has been maintained or improved in most firms skilled at “testing” the new business model. However, companies that are more traditional – and those most resistant to shorter flight – say change is “complicated”.

The pilot test, which began in the UK in June, has more than 3,000 employees from 73 companies, and covers sectors ranging from technology to restaurants – and will run until December. Professionals work one day less per week, with no change in pay.

The program is led by the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, in partnership with Boston College in the USA, in addition to the contribution of the non-profit organizations 4 Day Week Global Autonomy and 4 Day Week UK Campaign.

The idea is to measure new working hour patterns by tracking productivity levels, gender, environment and employee well-being with less work day per week.

UK results (so far)

Companies that have entered the 4-day workweek test already have plans to keep the trip shorter.

41 of the 71 participating companies responded to a preliminary survey about the change in corporate routine as of June. For 86% of respondents, the policy of the shortest flight should remain, i.e. remain as a final model after the testing period.

Most companies also said that a shorter week was good. In addition, 95% of companies said productivity had not changed or improved after only 4 days of work.

Finally, the UK’s testing regulator, 4 Days of the Week, pointed to other gains, in addition to the “day off”.

According to the foundation, employees have benefited from lower costs with displacement and supervision of children (nannies or daycares) – a savings of approximately EGP269.36 (R$1,585 at the current exchange rate) per month.

4 days a week in Brazil

In Brazil, the initiative began to gain supporters mainly after the reopening of the economy, after a period of isolation due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The reduction in working hours has accompanied other advantages, such as flexibility and the adoption of the remote system – and “granted” employees with a reduced weekly workload do not want to return to work five days a week.

But, here, beta testing is done independently by some companies, such as Gestoret and NovaHaus – unlike in the UK.

*With information from the BBC

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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