Actress and presenter Thais Versusa She spoke after a number of followers asked her why she didn’t appear to speak in her recent videos. She said in a series of stories on her Instagram that the cause was surgery:
– A lot of people have asked me why I mute my voice, why I stay silent, why I only put subtitles. I couldn’t go for days without coming, because I miss talking to you, and I miss being here. I also work with Instagram. In addition to our relationship that I really love, this exchange with you is my job. So I won’t miss for long – he started speaking Thais.
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Then I explained what happened:
– I had a sore throat for a long time. Inflamed, inflamed, inflamed, inflamed. My tonsils were getting enlarged and it was bothering me a lot. I had an appointment, I was avoiding the appointment and so on, but there came a time when I said, “No, I need to make an appointment” … and we thought it was best to remove the tonsils. For nothing, simply because he was on fire. Nothing but that… So, a while ago, I needed my tonsils removed. That’s why I kept quiet… I still don’t eat, chew bits of stuff, make sure I don’t scratch my throat and all that. If I keep talking it hurts and annoys me and my voice wasn’t coming out properly. It’s hard to talk. Anyone who has had tonsils removed knows – he said.