Tata Wernick was attacked while he was going to Paulo Gustavo’s Covid-protected funeral | Famous

Tata Wernick was attacked while he was going to Paulo Gustavo’s Covid-protected funeral |  Famous
Tata Wernicke was bombed after attending Paulo Gustavo's funeral and revolutions:
Kelvis Araujo

Tata Wernick is blown up after attending Paolo Gustavo’s funeral and revolts: “You are an idiot”

On Thursday (6), Paulo Gustavo’s family and close friends attended the crematorium in Rio de Janeiro to bid them farewell. Comedian who died as a victim of Covid-19.
Amid the pandemic, Tatá Werneck didn’t miss the ceremony, but he did protect himself with two masks, plus a face shield, and an antiseptic spray.

Despite protecting himself and those in the place, Tata has been a target of online criticism. On social media, netizens accused the comedian of “exaggerating” all the care about the disease that has already claimed more than 400,000 lives in Brazil.

On Instagram, Tatá Werneck responded to a post that attacked her, explaining that she feared illness and that she lives with her parents and her daughter Clara Maria, who is only one year old.

“Hey guys! What’s up? What is this level of attack on me? I’m panicking! I live with my parents. With my daughter. And I’m scared for me. Are you corrupt because I want to protect myself? I have been impressed with the level of non-hate. I have never left the house if I have never left the house.” I didn’t go to work, ”said Tata Wernick.

Read the full story on TV Foco.

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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