SMS Salvador competition: registration for 593 vacancies in the health field is open until July!

SMS Salvador competition: registration for 593 vacancies in the health field is open until July!

Excellent news has been released for healthcare professionals looking for new opportunities. The Municipal Health Management of Salvador (SMS Salvador) competition is open for registration for a total of 593 places. This selection process attracts interest not only because of the number of vacancies, but also because of the variety of jobs available and attractive salaries.

Vacancies are intended for candidates with secondary, technical and higher education. Therefore, SMS Salvador is looking for professionals from various specializations to form its staff. Salaries range from R$2,250.00 to R$12,666.54, making the competition a great opportunity in terms of professional and financial reward.

How to participate in the SMS Salvador contest?

Reproduction: Freebec

For those interested, the registration period runs from June 7 to July 8. Candidates must register on the website of the competition organizer, IDECAN, and the registration fee ranges between R$ 110.00 and R$ 125.00. It is important not to miss the fee payment deadline, which is July 9.

What are the stages of the competition?

The selection process will be simple, requiring only one step: objective testing. This will be implemented on November 3 and is of an exclusionary and categorical nature. The examination will be conducted for higher level candidates in the morning, from 8 am to 12 noon, and for secondary/technical level candidates, in the afternoon, from 3 pm to 7 pm.

What type of questions will be asked in the tests?

In the objective test, candidates will face 60 to 70 multiple choice questions, depending on their level of education. Topics such as Portuguese language, logical reasoning, SUS legislation, current affairs, IT and specific knowledge related to the position sought will be covered.

  • For higher education, there are 30 questions for specific knowledge and 10 questions in Portuguese.
  • For the intermediate and technical levels, there are 20 specific knowledge questions and 20 Portuguese questions.
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Important details about the score and rating

The maximum test score is 100 points and at least 50% of the score must be obtained to be considered approved, without a zero in any subject. In the event of a tie in the final score, preference will be given to older candidates with the highest scores in the specified knowledge, according to the criteria specified in the notification.

This is an unmissable opportunity for those who are looking for career stability and want to work in the healthcare sector in El Salvador. With attractive salaries and a wide range of opportunities, the SMS Salvador competition promises to be one of the most competitive competitions of the year. Prepare properly, follow all deadlines and good luck!

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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