Simon Mendes says: “I don’t accept myself as I am”

Simon Mendes says: “I don’t accept myself as I am”

Simon Mendes, the singer, used her YouTube channel to comment on her constant struggles to keep her body in shape. Without mincing words, sertaneja sent the truth about it.

“I don’t accept myself as I am”

“I don’t accept myself the way I am. I’m always fighting with the scales, you know that well. I live this constant search for weight loss. Those who accept themselves are awesome, I give them a ten! The best thing in life is to accept yourself and be okay. But I live In this research, there is no methodventilation.


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in the last Sunday HackAnd The singer shocked the country by saying that her sister had banned herAnd SimariaAfter the duet is over, but he doesn’t have any complaints.

“You know the Gustavo Lima song that says, ‘I remembered I was banned…’ You have to laugh. I’m going to make it clear that she is the reason for my life, she is the love of my life. I owe so much to her for who I am today.” I started.

“So if she is upset with me for any reason, forgive me. I don’t know…but my door, my cell phone, my house, my love, because you always will, because you are the most important things I have in my life.”Been completed.

Read more: BBB23: Anita reveals Gabriel Tavares: “I know a lot less than you think”

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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