See the list of Covid-19 vaccination schedules in Fortaleza this Sunday (22) – Metro

See the list of Covid-19 vaccination schedules in Fortaleza this Sunday (22) – Metro

It was scheduled to receive about 3,000 people Second dose (D2) Vaccine against Covid-19 this Sunday (22) in Fortaleza.

>> See the list of vaccination schedules in Fortaleza this Sunday (22)

Remember that people who have missed their D2 appointment or have reached the deadline, which is indicated on the vaccination card, can also seek help.

The juvenile center provides all types of vaccines, and health centers also have the AstraZeneca, Cucas, and CoronaVac vaccines.

In addition to the list published daily, interested parties can also check the rescheduling through Coronavirus Fortaleza website, Act digital health It is a city hall application More health Fortaleza (Is available for Android NS iOS).

music programming

As it happened on Saturday (21) this Sunday’s vaccination Ciara Events Center Music and art programs will be promoted by City Hall. Check out the attractions:

9 a.m. – Alex Lobão (events center lounge)
11 a.m. – Joe Ribeiro (Activity Center Hall)
1 p.m. – Jeff Renato (event center lounge)
3pm – Naira Costa (Function Center Hall)

Vaccination documents

It is necessary to provide an identity document with photo, CPF, National Health Card (CNS) and proof of residence. In the case of D2, the vaccination card must also be taken.

Vaccination in Fortaleza

The population who actually received the first dose was 1,674,751 people. Those who also received the second dose were 671,105 of Fortaleza. With a single dose, there are 26,822. In total, Fortaleza has already applied 2372,678 doses.

Step by step registration for vaccination

In order to be scheduled to receive the Covid-19 vaccine, you must register.

See how to do it:

1) Access Digital Health Website

2) Select the option “I still don’t have a record”

3) Introduce yourself by filling in your details correctly

4) At this point in the registration, the person must be informed if he is bedridden, has any joint illness or occupation.

5) Confirm your details and create a password to access the registration

6) Finish the registration and wait for your appointment. Continue Fortaleza City Hall website Scheduled Lists Released Daily

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Health centers with vaccination against Covid-19

Regional Health 1

Arton Monti (Rua Alberto Oliveira, no number – Jardim Iracema)
Carlos Ribeiro (Rua Jacinto Matos, 944 – Jacaricanga)
Casemiro Filho (Av. Francisco Sá, 6449 – Barra do Ceará)
Francisco Domingos (Avenida Castelo Branco, 4707 – Barra do Ceará)
Fernando Canca (Rua Rio Tocantins, no number – Jardim Iracema)
Floresta (Rua Ten. Jose Barrera, 251 – Alvaro Wayne)
Guiomar Arruda (Rua General Costa Matos, 06 – Pirambu)
Maria Aparecida (Av. K, 915 – Vila Velha)
Lino Juca (Rua Vila Velha, 101 – Barra do Ceará)
Paolo de Mello (Rua Bernardo Porto, 497 – Monte Castillo)
4 Faras (Revelations of the Prophet Isa, 456 – Barra do Ceará)
Rebouças Macambira (Rua Creuza Rocha, s/n – Jardim Guanabara)
Virgilio Tavora (Av. Mons. Hélio Campos, s / n – Cristo Redentor)
Zenirton Pereira (Rua José Roberto Sales, 475 – Barra do Ceará)

Regional Health II

Aida Santos e Silva (Rua Trajano de Medeiros, 813 – Vicente Pinzon)
Benedetto Arthur de Carvallo (Roa Jaime Lionel, 228 – Luciano Cavalcanti)
Flávio Marcílio (Abolição Av., 416 – Mucuripe)
Free Tito (Rua Jose Claudio Costa Lima, 100 – Praia do Futuro)
Sister Hercelia Aragao (Roa Fray Vidal, 1821 – São João do Tauabi)
Miriam Porto Mota (Rua Cel. Jucá, 1636 – Aldeota)
Odorico de Morais (Rua Esperantina, s/n – Cais do Porto)
Pius XII (Rua Belizário Távora, s/n – Pius XII)
Rigoberto Romero (Rua Alameda das Graviolas 195 – City 2000)

Regional Health III

Anastasio Magalhães (Rua Delmiro de Farias, 1679 – Rodolfo Teofilo)
Cesar Calles de Oliveira Filho (Rua Pernambuco, 3172 – Peche)
Claudaldo Pinto (Rua Panward Bezerra, 100 – Padre Andrade)
Cdfam Prof. Gilmário Mourão (Rua Pernambuco, 1674 – Pici)
Eliezer Stoddart (Rua Tomáz Cavalcante, 546 – Autran Nunes)
Fernandez Tavora (Rua Maceió, 1354 – Henrique Jorge)
Francisco Pereira de Almeida (Rua Paraguay, 351 – Bella Vista)
George Benifides (Rua Bio Saraiva, 168 – Quintino Kona)
Herminia Leto (Gen. Couto Street, 470 – Quintino Cunha)
Umberto Bezerra (Rua Hugo Victor, 51 – Antonio Bezerra)
Licinio Nunes de Miranda (Rua 06, s/n – Quintino Cunha)
Luis Ricamond Cabello (Rua Maria Quintella, 935 – Ponsusiso)
Mariosa Silva Souza (Rua Araça, s / n – Bonsucesso)
Meton de Alencar (Rua Perdigão Sampaio, 820 – Antonio Bezerra)
Sobreira de Amorim (Rua Des. Luís Paulino, 190 – Joquei Clube)
Valdemar Alcantara (Rua Silveira Filho, 903 – Jóquei Clube)

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Fourth regional health

Abel Pinto (Travessa Goiás, s/n – Democrito Rocha)
Dom Aloiso Lorcheider (Roi Beetle, 1895 – Itabéry)
Francisco Monteiro (Av. Dos Eucaliptos, s/n – Dendê)
Gothardo Peixoto F. Lima (Rua Irmã Bazet, 153 – Ladies)
Guttenberg Brown (Rua Monsenhor Agostinho, 505 – Villa Berry)
Jose Valdivino Carvalho (Rua Guará, S/N – Itaoca)
Oliveira Bombo (Rua Rio Grande do Sul, no number – Couto Fernandes)
Antonio Ciriaco (Rua Gomez Brasil, 555 – Parangaba)
Roberto Bruno (Av. Borges de Melo, 910 – Fátima)
Torbay Barrera (Rua Gonçalo Souto, 420 – Vila União)

– Regional Health V

Argio Herbster (Rua Giraldo Barbosa, 1095 – Bom Jardim)
Dom Lustosa (Rua A, s/n – Granja Lisboa)
Edmilson Pinheiro (Av. H, 2191 – Granja Lisboa)
Fernando Diogenes (Rua Teodoro de Castro, No Number – Granja Portugal)
Graciliano Muniz (Rua 106, 345 – Conjunto Esperança)
Guarany Mont’alverne (Rua Geraldo Barbosa, 3230 – Granja Lisboa)
Joao Pessoa (Rua Rubi, s/n – Jardim Jatobá)
Joao Eliseo Holland (Rua Juvêncio Sales, s/n – Aracapé)
José Galba de Araújo (Av. Sen. Fernandes Távora, 3161 – Genibaú)
Jose Paracampos (Rua Alfredo Mamedi, 250 – Mondobem)
Jurandir Picanço (Rua Duas Nações, s/n – Granja Portugal)
Luciano Torres de Mello (Delta Street, 365 – Manuel Satiro)
Luisa Tavora (Travissa São Jose, 940 – Mondobem)
Maciel de Brito (Av. A, s/n – Phase 1 Conjunto Ceará)
São José Park (Rua Des. Frota, s/n – São José Park)
Pedro Celestino (Rua Gastau Gusto, 215 – Marabonga)
Pontes Neto (Rua 541, No. 150 – Phase II Conjunto Ceará)
Regina Maria Severino (Rua Itatiaia, 889 – Canendizinho)
Regis Jukka (Av I, 618 – Mondubim)
Ronaldo Albuquerque (Av I, s/n – Conj. Ceará/Genibaú)
Siqueira (Rua. Eng. Luís Montenegro, 485 – Siqueira)
Vivian Benevides (Ru Joao districts, 1296 – Manuel Satiro)

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Sixth regional health

Alarico Leite (Av. Dos Paroaras 301 – Passaré)
Anísio Teixeira (Rua Guarany, 355 – Pq. Itamaraty)
Cesar Cales de Oliveira (Rua Capitão Aragão, 555 – Alto da Balança)
Edelmar Norris (Rua H, 319 – Dois Irmãos Park)
Edmar Fujita (Av. Alberto Craveiro, 1480 – Boa Vista)
Evandro Ayres de Moura (Av. Castelo de Castro, s / n – Conj. Palmeiras)
Acrísio Eufrasino de Pinho (intersection of Ave. 12 and Ave. Palmeiras dos Ondios – Piedras)
Barbara de Alensar Municipal School – Uaps Fausto Freire (Av. Isabel Bezerra, 416 – Parque Santa Maria)
Galba de Araújo (Av. Recreio, 1390 – Lagoa Redonda)
Hélio Góes Ferreira (Av. Eng. Leal Limaverde, 453 – Sapiranga)
Jangurussu (Rua Estrada do Itaperi, 146 – Passaré)
Ganival de Almeida (Rua Coelho Garcia, 25 – Pasar)
Joao Hipolito (Rua 03, No. 88 – Dias Macdu)
José Barros de Alencar (Rua José Nogueira, 180 – Pedras)
Louis Franklin (Rua Alexandre Vieira, no number – Coaçu)
Manuel Carlos Gouveia (Av. Des. Faustino Albuquerque, 486 – Jardim das Oliveiras)
Maria de Lourdes (UK Street, 115 – Jardim das Oliveiras)
Maria Graciela (Rua Edisio Montero, 1450 – Santa Fe)
Marcos Aurelio Rabelo (Rua Iracema, 1100 – Santa Philomena)
Matos Dorado (Av. Des. Floriano Benevides, 391 – Edson Queiroz)
Milo Jaburandi (Rua 315, nº 80 – Jangurussu)
Messejana (Rua Guilherme Alencar s/n – Messejana)
Monteiro de Moraes (Av. Evilásio Miranda s/n – Sapiranga Coité)
Osmar Viana (Av. Chiquinha Gonzaga, s/n – Jangurussu)
Otuni Cardoso do Valle (Rua Jose Teixeira Costa, 643 – Baubina)
Pompeo Vasconcelos (Rua 05, s/n, Conj. João Paulo II – Barroso)
Sítio São João (Rua Verde Cinco, 71 – Jangurussu)
Terezinha Parente (Rua Nelson Coelho 209 – Lagoa Redonda)
Waldo Pessoa (Street Cap. Hugo Bezerra, 75 – Barroso)

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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