weather between Rogério e Cartolouco prepares to post his third DR formation for “Power Couple 6”. At dawn today, MC Gui’s father threw water in the journalist’s face in response to the provocations of his various movements inside reality show From RecordTV.
The three votes Luana Andrade and Joao Haddad got in forming the Doctor sparked a great debate in the Palace of Power. At first, Brenda Baixao heard criticism from Gabi Augusto and Levi Moraes for accepting her boyfriend Mateus Sampaio’s wish to vote for a friend.
After that, Ruggiero and Kartoloko began discussing voting. “The strategy is not wrong, but it is a justification for your vote,” the journalist declared, referring to Adriana Ribeiro, Albert Bressan, Baronca, Rogerio, Brenda Paixao and Matthews Sampaio. MC Gui’s father replied, “But it’s my game. You don’t have to accept it.”
The Baroness also entered the debate to defend her husband. “I said, ‘I’m defending Brenda and Matthews. If you haven’t heard, that’s your problem,'” he said. “Oh, blacksmith did not look at me,” Kartolaluko sneered. “I really don’t look and I would vote for him a lot,” Ruggiero declared.
Then the businessman revealed a batch of the former “farm 12″ over Mosonzinho and Carol Menezes win the pairs competition. “You didn’t take the test [dos casais] They won, “handed”. Of course, they took the test [dos casais] Twice”, Cartolouco justified.
Ruggiero challenged, “You’ll say you didn’t say, ‘That’s why they were such a strong pair. Tell the audience who didn’t speak.'” “I might have spoken,” Kartoloko commented. MC Gui’s father yelled, “Could she have spoken? I suppose your BO, man.”
Enraged by the lack of confirmation from the participant, Ruggiero took a bottle and threw it at Cartoloco’s face while screaming. He shouted, “You idiot.”
Kartoloko replied: “You idiot.” “Go, you fucking ass*,” Ruggiero pushed. “What is this, man?” Nandinho asked. “You’re not interfering, man,” asked MC Gui’s father. “You idiot. Hit me, then,” the journalist sneered.
Fearing the possibility of a fight, Baronese dragged her husband into secluded corners, but Kartoloko walked towards him, teasing his way of acting in the game. In the end, the partners of both participants were able to end the tension in the Palace of Power.