José Venancio in “Renascer”, actor Rodrigo Simas reveals a behind-the-scenes scene inside a coffin in the Globo soap opera
the actor Rodrigo Simas He revealed the details behind his character's farewell scene RebornGlobo series at nine o'clock. Jose Venancio will die in next Monday's chapter 04/22 after falling victim to Egidio (Vladimir Brichta).
Behind the scenes of the recording, Simas talked about what it was like to record the scene inside a coffin at Venancio's funeral. “He did die on stage once, but never recorded inside a coffin. They always ask me if I feel upset or in any way uncomfortable, but no.”The famous one began.
He continued: “I didn't feel any pain or tension, on the contrary. It was convenient, they even closed the coffin for a few seconds. Sometimes I felt like laughing during training.”
After that, Rodrigo Simas also reflected on his character in the movie Renascer. “José Venancio was suffering from crises. I'm always trying to do it right and heal some of the trauma, but I've barely been able to do it. He had a path of encounters and disagreements, and ended his life in an ambush without even knowing where he came from, but as a result of being innocent.He said,
“What caught my attention most about the character was noticing how he stopped living his truths and repeating patterns to please his father. He was imprisoned inside his head.”“, announced the friend of actress Agatha Moreira.