Rico Melquiades admits he is afraid of facing Roca

Rico Melquiades admits he is afraid of facing Roca

Rico Melquiades Talking to Maylady Mihaly NS Marina Ferrari About the future of the game in farm 13 He made a list of the people he did not want to encounter in the following rokas: “Marina, Mylade, Stephanie and Allen

“I’ll be very honest, Farm I don’t want to sit on a chair: Me, Marina, Maylaid, Stephanie and Allen. I like you. It’s because I like it and because I’m afraid too, but there are five people I don’t want to sit on. [na Roça]But I’m sitting with an open chestComedian revealed.


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“You think you have a chance to get out. That’s it?”I questioned a woman from Alagoas. “Yeah, that’s it, I’m afraid”, admit a previous vacation with the former. “Yeah, I also didn’t want to go with the people I love, two people I love, if you’re one, that’s better, you root for [voltar Fazendeiro ou voltar da Roça]”, a friend of Boca Rosa commented.

“If I’m going to sit down, because we’ll have to go to Roça, then I’ll go with Gui [Araujo] Or go with MC Gui or go with Dynho [Alves] Or to go with today [Dayane Mello]”said the farmer. “It’s great to go [para a Roça] With someone you want to go out with, not your friend.Marina agreed.

The full coverage of A Fazenda 13, you can follow it on TV Observatory!

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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