Report the decision that prevents retirees from charging the entire health plan

Report the decision that prevents retirees from charging the entire health plan

• The Legal Department reports that a judicial decision is in effect preventing the charging of the full cost of the retiree health plan from the Sintect-SP regional base.

In September 2021, the Legal Department of Sintect-SP obtained an urgent guardianship decision prohibiting the payment of 100% of the cost of the health plan, ensuring that workers who retired by 07/31/2020 and worked in our company on the basis of the maximum percentage of 50% as monthly fees as announced at that time. (See here)

The company was later able to suspend this decision.

But fortunately, the class action lawsuit filed by the union was ruled valid. Both the referee and referee certified the initially obtained victory, and the decision became final. In other words, the court order must be adhered to, period!

It has come to our attention that our federal entity has recently begun paying many retirees in full, which is completely wrong!

In view of this, to the pensioners who are faced with this ridiculous and embarrassing situation, Sintect-SP communicates the following: It has already adopted and will continue to adopt all applicable administrative and judicial measures so that the 50% of the health plan guarantees all holders of this acquired right, and also demands a refund Any amount paid in excess of what should have been paid.

Anyone who suffers from this should inform the Federation so that we can formalize the company and also so that we can make accurate calculations so that appropriate returns can be filed.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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