Recife City Hall and the British Government are expanding a partnership focused on education

Recife City Hall and the British Government are expanding a partnership focused on education

The MoU, which has been renewed for another three years, adds new areas of mutual interest: gender equality and diversity. climate, sustainability and the environment

Recife City Hall and the British government on Wednesday afternoon (16) renewed the Memorandum of Understanding – signed in 2019. Originally, the document established cooperation and exchange of experience and information on topics such as cities of the future; urban mobility and transportation; innovation and technology; infrastructure; Trade and investments. Now, they have been added – gender equality and diversity; climate, sustainability and the environment. The Deputy Mayor, Isabella Di Roldão, was received at the Town Hall by Christopher Wright, Deputy Head of the UK Diplomatic Mission in Recife; Acting UK Consul in Recife, Larissa Brosky, to carry out renovations. A technical cooperation term was also signed for the distribution of educational and training materials.

The core agenda for sustainability begins with gender equality, as it is the foundation for everything to be built in the future. Having gender equality in the Secretariat is very important. It is this diversity that brings the possibility of understanding this very complex world. We need to join forces, no one survives alone; On the sustainability agenda, there is no point in doing the homework alone. We need to socialize knowledge and make that knowledge accessible to all. It is good that we renew the memorandum for another three years, “Isabella de Roldão stressed during the meeting.

On this occasion, Christopher Wright mentioned that the partnership between the UK and Recife is already quite old. “Recife is one of our main partners here in Brazil. The consulate has a strong team here. We have a long history of collaboration in the areas of innovation, climate and smart cities. We want to continue together and help Recife achieve its goals. Joining efforts to promote sustainability, human rights, peace, empowerment and inclusion of women,” he said. .

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The Acting Consul of the United Kingdom in Recife, Larissa Brosky, spoke about the importance of renewing the Memorandum and emphasized that sustainability and economic growth go hand in hand. This renewal of the MoU is a very significant event as well as the inclusion of two areas of interest to the Consulate and Recife. The capital of Pernambuco was one of the first to sign up for the Race to Zero, so we want to be together on this path to decarbonize the city. The UK stands out and has been a leader in reducing emissions since the 1990s. When the UK cut its carbon dioxide emissions by 42%, that was when its economy grew by .

Tech Hub’s Head of Operations UK and Brazil, Gabriela Figueiredo, also participated in the meeting. From Recife City Hall, Glos Medeiros, Minister of Women’s Affairs of Recife, and Minister of Environment of Recife, Carlos Ribeiro, were present.

Skills for Prosperity – During the meeting, a cooperation agreement was also signed between Recife City Hall, through the Recife Department of Education, and the British Government for Skills for Prosperity. The British program has a global reach and distributes educational materials for teaching English for free. In addition, it provides online foreign language training for teachers. In Recife, educational materials for the last years will be distributed in the public network, reaching about 40 schools.

Images: Alessandro Potter/PCR

Source: PMJP Press

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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