In a second appeal to the British Supreme Court, Attorney Andrew Fulton stated that, based on the principle of the laws of a foreign state, English judges should not “investigate” the legitimacy of decisions made by foreign rulers in their territories. .
According to Fulton, Guide’s appointments to his “temporary” team at the Venezuelan Central Bank (PCV) must be accepted by a British court – which is asking for access to gold – even though they are invalid by a Venezuelan court.
Nick Vinal, a lawyer for the PCV Board appointed by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, has questioned the “constitutional status” of the case.
Vinyl’s team warns that supplying gold to Kuwait without further investigation could damage the bank’s UK and reputation as a custodian of foreign assets.
The PCV Board, appointed by Maduro, led by Calico Ortega, wants access to one billion euros of gold to transfer to the UN with the aim of purchasing equipment to fight the Covite-19 epidemic.
The British Supreme Court hearing on Tuesday morning also included a speech by James Eddie, legal adviser to the UK Foreign Office, confirming the expected “clear and ambiguous” position that only the British government recognizes Guy as the head of state of Venezuela. And his skills to function in office.
The decision of the Supreme Court to clarify several legal points will ultimately be used by the court to determine who will be empowered to access the gold.