PIS/PASEP 2024 Calendar: New withdrawal criteria with new value available today!

PIS/PASEP 2024 Calendar: New withdrawal criteria with new value available today!

In this article, we will detail the salary bonus payment process Law and Justice Party/PASIB For the year 2024, including who is eligible for the benefit, how to seek advice, and important dates. It is expected that many Brazilian workers will be able to take advantage of this opportunity to increase their annual income.

How does PIS/PASEP work?

PIS/Pasep is a financial assistance intended for workers in the public and private sectors, respectively. This subsidy is disbursed annually, and for the year 2024 it is scheduled to begin in April for those born in March and April.

Important: The value of the benefit can be up to the minimum wage, which is set at R$1,412 for the current year.

Who is eligible for PIS 2024?

For a worker to be entitled to PIS/Pasep, he or she must have officially worked for at least 30 days in 2022 with an average monthly wage of two minimum wages. In addition, you must be registered with PIS/Pasep for at least five years.

How to check salary bonus 2024?

How to check PIS using CPF through the CAIXA Trabalhador app:

  1. Install and open the CAIXA Trabalhador application.
  2. Log in with the CPF and CAIXA credentials you use.
  3. After logging in, at the bottom of the screen, click the “My NIS” button.
  4. The shekel number, which is equivalent to the PIS number, will be displayed on the screen.

How to check PIS with CPF using digital business card:

  1. Install the Digital Work Card app and log in with your Gov.br account.
  2. In the menu at the bottom of the screen, select “Benefits.”
  3. Then, in the “Salary Allowance” section, click “Consultation.”
  4. Choose the desired base year and click on the preview icon.
  5. The NIS number, which corresponds to the PIS number, will be displayed on the screen.

PIS Calendar: What are the payment dates?

  • Born in March: April 15
  • Born in April: April 15
  • Born in May: May 15
  • Born in June: May 15
  • Born in July: June 17
  • Born in August: June 17
  • Born in September: July 15
  • Born in October: July 15
  • Born in November: August 15
  • Born in December: August 15
PIS/Pasep Salary Reward Calendar
PIS/Pasep Salary Reward Calendar

Frequently asked questions about PIS/Pasep 2024

  1. How can I calculate the value of my benefits?
  2. What do I do if I don't have an account to receive payment?
  3. Is it possible to accumulate the bonus from previous years?

In short, it is essential that all workers who believe they are entitled to the PIS/Pasep salary bonus check their eligibility and pay attention to the payment dates to ensure this additional financial benefit in 2024. Take the opportunity to plan your expenses or investments with this additional amount.

How to withdraw PIS through Caixa?

You can withdraw PIS 2024 in two ways:

  1. Online, through the Caixa Tem app or Caixa Digital Social Savings, or
  2. In person, at Caixa or lottery agencies, using an identity document.

In addition, it is possible to withdraw money from self-service ATMs using the Citizen Card.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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