OpenAI is developing an AI assistant with full device control

OpenAI is developing an AI assistant with full device control

Image: reproduction.

OpenAI is developing artificial intelligence (AI) services while catching up with its competitors. According to information from The Information, the company may be working on a revolutionary new product: an AI assistant that not only automates complex tasks, such as those performed on the web, but also takes full control of the user's device.

The proposal is that the new software, combined with ChatGPT, will be able to respond to commands that previously required clicking, typing or cursor movements. This means that tasks such as transferring data between spreadsheets, creating itineraries, or even booking airline tickets online can be performed by an assistant without the need for supervision.

The intent is for the software to assume full control of the device, including Internet access, to perform more technical activities that would normally be performed by a human assistant or the user themselves.

The information was initially reported by The Information and shared by Reuters. So far, no further details have been provided about the new assistant, and the startup that owns ChatGPT has not yet responded to requests for comment on the project.

AI assistants, whether voice, virtual or otherwise, aim to perform personal and business tasks based on human commands, without the need for supervision. Many companies already offer similar products, such as Google, Amazon, and Microsoft, the latter of which is a supporter of OpenAI.

These AI-based assistants are increasingly being used in a variety of contexts, including cars. Peugeot recently announced its integration with ChatGPT, becoming another brand to embrace its generative AI assistant. In cars, ChatGPT works alongside voice assistants to monitor vehicle controls and answer general or navigation-related questions.

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Additionally, other newer AI assistants, such as LuzIA, are now available on WhatsApp and Telegram. With six million Brazilian users, LuzIA promises to be a virtual friend able to offer many useful features for daily life through these messaging apps.

With information from Olhar Digital.

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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