Ocarina, who lives in the United States, displays clothes frozen at -37 degrees Celsius – ac24horas.com

Ocarina, who lives in the United States, displays clothes frozen at -37 degrees Celsius – ac24horas.com

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Akrian Edeline Germini, who lives in Chicago, United States, posted a video showing frozen clothes during the extreme cold that struck the city and other parts of the country.

In the video, in a humorous way, the Brazilian citizen from Brasilia shows what clothes look like when placed in the cold after washing. “Mercy, what is this? The pants froze, and the blouse froze too. Guys, I didn't even know pants could freeze,” says Edeline.

to com. ac24horasEdeline Germini, who has lived in the United States for four years, says she has already adapted to the cold. “Last week the temperature was -25°C and it felt like -37°C. Although I don’t like the cold, I’m used to it, because the harsh winter I live in lasts 4 months, from January to March, with a lot of snowfall.” Snow, but in the summer here it is as hot as in Acre,” he explains.

In Chicago, as of January 22, at least 50 people had died as a result of the extreme cold that struck the area. The majority of deaths are linked to hypothermia, with the majority of victims being homeless or living in extreme poverty.

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