No money for PIX? Learn how to do it anyway with this trick

No money for PIX?  Learn how to do it anyway with this trick

Hey pixel It emerged in Brazil as a payment method that would revolutionize the financial lives of Brazilians. By enabling transformation With money 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and without charging fees between different banking institutions, pixels quickly became popular among consumers.

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Since its launch in October 2020, pix has already become the preferred payment method for Brazilians. In just two years, the method recorded more than 523 million registered keys and 26 billion transactions. With the goal of instant payment, many companies offer special conditions to consumers who pay for their purchases via Pixel.

In order not to lose the discount provided, many users use Pix on credit card. This possibility arose after financial institutions realized the preference of Brazilians for this method. Moreover, this option helps those who need to pay via pixel but do not have money in their checking account.

How does Pix work on credit?

The PIX on the credit card acts as a “loan” that is issued automatically, depending on the limit available on the credit card. Therefore, the pixel will be made in a similar way to a card purchase, being deducted from the next bill. However, unlike usual pixels, pixels charge credit and interest fees.

Therefore, interest can range between 5% and 15% per month, depending on the financial institution. Moreover, some of them charge an additional fee for each transaction carried out, ranging from R$0.50 to R$3. Before choosing whether to fulfill a pixel conventionally or on credit, it is important for consumers to compare the final value of the pixel. The transaction, including interest and fees charged.

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Finally, the choice is made at the time of transfer, when the user must decide whether he wants to make the photo using his bank account balance or his credit card limit. It is worth noting that the amounts on the card bill must be paid on time, in order to increase the interest charged and possible financial complications.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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