This July, Unimed Teresina’s Minha Saúde completed two years. Since its launch on Unimed’s social networks, in July 2019, Minha Saúde has interviewed more than 70 physicians collaborating on topics important to population health.
To adapt to the pandemic and ensure the safety of doctors and the production team, Minha Saúde changed the format and began recording with members in their homes and work environments and receiving videos produced by the doctors themselves. Everything to continue to provide high-quality information to the followers of the program on the social networks of Unimed Teresina.
Production team for the Minha Saúde program at Unimed Teresina. – Photo: Ascom Unimed Teresina
For Unimed Teresina’s Director of Communications and Marketing, Washington Mora, continuing the program weekly during the pandemic has been a major challenge.
“Adhering to all WHO safety protocols, we have decided to keep the program on air to bring all necessary information to our audience to prevent contamination with the new coronavirus. We recognize our responsibility as a health plan that encourages the promotion of health and quality of life. Therefore, it is our duty to keep the public well informed of the latest developments.” related to prevention and treatment,” he explained.
Emmanuel Fontes (CRM-PI 1912), urologist and head of the Unimed Teresina System, congratulated Minha Saúde and said the program had made a difference during the Covid-19 pandemic. “During the pandemic, our doctors have made a difference by providing enlightening, high-quality content to the public. Congratulations to her and our members. This is our mission and our way of caring,” the president emphasized.
To celebrate two years of Minha’s happy existence, Unimed Teresina has produced a special program with testimonials from doctors on the importance of the topics discussed and curiosity about the scenes. Every Tuesday, Minha Saúde is broadcast on the social networks of Unimed Teresina and Spotify.
Unimed Primavera Hospital
Technical Director: Dr. Rafael Correa Lima (CRM-PI 3681)
Unimed Ilhotas . unit
Technical Director: Dr. Alberto Montero (CRM-PI 3032)