Most Europeans do not realize the importance of Brazilian agriculture

Most Europeans do not realize the importance of Brazilian agriculture
The study, conducted by European consulting firm OnStrategy, was conducted in four countries: France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic.

The “Perception of Brazilian Agribusiness in Europe” study conducted in four European countries (UK, France, Germany and Czech Republic) revealed that 57% of participants knew nothing about Brazilian agribusiness. Only 11.2% said that they know the sector well.

Among citizens, only 8.8% said they knew Brazilian agribusiness well. Among journalists, the percentage reached 31.1%. Among distributors, 17.4% said they had good knowledge of the sector.

The study, conducted by European consulting firm OnStrategy, coordinated by Biomarketing, sponsored by Serasa Experian and supported by the Brazilian Agribusiness Association (ABAG), interviewed 590,000 people, divided into three categories: citizens, journalists and distributors.

“The research was the first survey conducted on the European perception of Brazilian agriculture. For any improvement strategy or action, it is first necessary to know where there are issues that need to be worked on. Therefore, from the point of view of a data company like Serasa Experian, it was necessary to take initial action, And to understand and dispel some myths, mainly to know where we have to act,” said Serasa Experian’s head of agribusiness, Marcelo. Pimienta.

The study also revealed that coffee is the Brazilian agricultural product with the best reputation in the four countries, both among citizens, journalists, and distributors.

“By analyzing the research, it became clear that communication was the key to addressing the biggest challenge I faced: the lack of knowledge about Brazil and its greatness. Therefore, under this scenario, the great opportunity is to communicate the realities of national agriculture, which are much bigger and better than perceptions,” commented Professor José Luis Tejon.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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