More than 24 thousand sessions in Brazil

More than 24 thousand sessions in Brazil

Clyde de Lima, a resident of Laguna, on the Santa Catarina coast, had never heard of a family group when she searched for a basic health unit to treat a problem on the right side of her hip. From physical therapy, I moved to yoga and then was introduced to therapy by a planetary nurse. She did not know that she was in one of the municipalities in the country that holds the largest number of sessions through the unified system.

According to a survey he conducted an agency generalSince 2018, more than 24.2 thousand constellation sessions have been carried out at SUS in Brazil. The states with the largest amount are Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Goiás, and Bahia, in that order. In terms of population size, the champion country is Rio Grande do Norte.

Family constellation is an alternative technique that uses dynamics to resolve family conflicts. She performs plays, often in groups, to recreate family scenes and events that may involve ancestors from several generations.

The municipalities that implemented the largest number of towers are Tomasina (PR), Laguna (SC), Itumbiara (GO) and Rodolfo Fernandez (RN). In relative terms, the municipality with the largest number of constellation sessions relative to population is Rodolfo Fernández. Of the ten cities with the largest number of cycles relative to population, nine have fewer than five thousand inhabitants, according to 2022 census data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) – with the exception of the city of Tomasina, which has a population of over A little more than eight thousand people. Residents.

The year with the highest number of constellations recorded by SUS in this period was 2022, with more than 9,800 in the country. Data are from the Primary Care Health Information System (SISAB).

The family constellation is indicated by Reception and guidance services Ministry of Health Resolution No. 702 of 2018 “For any patient at any level and at any age” However, the teaching or professional practice of constellation is not regulated in Brazil. There is no protocol for its application in SUS, and each state and municipality has the autonomy to adhere and set the guidelines for operating the method, as happens with other integrative and complementary practices, such as acupuncture, which requires health professionals to have the title of specialist in the technique of its application.

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The Department of Health does not detail any specific training requirements for working with practices in the public system, it only recommends that priority be given to staff already working with the service. It also advises, in the case of professional application of practice, “to consult with the professional category council to which you are connected, about the specific requirements for the practice, and in this way avoid irregular practice of the profession.” “.

Among the Federal Health Boards, only the Psychology Board has prepared a NB A technique to guide professionals around the constellation. In the text, the CFP concludes that the activity is incompatible with the professional practice of psychology from an ethical, scientific and epistemological point of view. The Council points to the lack of research attesting to the scientificity of the practice and claims that the methods used reproduce “pathological notions” of gender, sexuality, masculinity and femininity.

The entity highlights that the concept of couples adopted by the constellation “is based on forced heterosexual relations.” Criticism is based on the fact that the constellation is often based on the union between a man and a woman to create a family. He also points to passages in Hellinger’s works that ascribe to women and men “natural and unequal roles”, where the authority given to the husband or father is often greater – in the relationship, the man will have precedence over the woman, that is, he will be higher in the hierarchy and will need to respect his position. The Psychology Council also criticizes the conservative bias with which childhood and youth are treated, which normalizes these citizens’ lack of rights. These factors, according to the CFP, run counter to the privilege of promoting the health of individuals and communities that is central to psychology.

In response to the CFP, the Brazilian Horoscope Association (ABC) issued a statement saying the constellation is not related to psychology, “although it arouses the interest of specialists in the field.” He also argues that “scientific verification of something new always comes after the fact” and that “those who know the systemic/family constellation know well that this is a useful tool for tapping into stagnant processes.”

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There is no protocol for implementing family constellation in SUS

Little by little, the constellation is gaining space in public universities

Family groups are already appearing in public higher education institutions in Brazil, but they still consist of isolated initiatives. For example, the Federal University of Uberlandia (UFU) offered two workshops in 2015 on the topic “[{” attribute=””>Direito Sistêmico: justiça curativa, soluções profundas”. Já o Núcleo de Práticas Jurídicas do curso de Direito da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) pesquisou o Direito Sistêmico e suas aplicações em conflitos familiares em 2017 — Direito Sistêmico é como é chamada a utilização da constelação no Judiciário. O projeto foi encerrado e o curso não tem previsão de estudar a técnica novamente, segundo a docente que coordenou o estudo.

Das 68 universidades federais brasileiras, dez confirmaram à reportagem que oferecem ou já ofereceram projetos de extensão, cursos ou atividades de constelação. Além UFSC, as seguintes universidades confirmaram ter projetos com a prática: Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT), Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). A UFU, citada na matéria, realizou o último curso de Direito Sistêmico em 2022. A Universidade Federal do Acre (UFAC) e a Universidade Federal de Jataí (UFJ) também informaram terem encerrado as atividades.

É na área da saúde que a constelação ganha cada vez mais espaço em projetos de extensão nas universidades federais. Um exemplo é o Projeto Amanhecer da UFSC. Criado em 1996 “a fim de oferecer terapias complementares aos profissionais de enfermagem do Hospital Universitário”, o projeto recebeu esse nome em 2004, quando se expandiu para “oferecer terapias complementares em saúde também aos servidores e comunidade acadêmica”.

Coordenadora do Amanhecer e professora do Curso de Farmácia da UFSC, Liliete Souza conta que o projeto já chegou a oferecer 47 tipos de terapias alternativas, entre atividades contempladas nas PICs e iniciativas próprias, como astrologia vocacional e bambuterapia. A professora, que também ministra as oficinas de dança meditativa, explica que todas as atividades são desenvolvidas de forma voluntária por professores ou outros profissionais sem vínculo com a universidade.

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Em uma das constelações, uma mulher teria descoberto que, de acordo com a prática, o seu sucesso profissional estaria relacionado a uma maior ligação ao lado paterno, mas seus problemas financeiros, à mãe. “Eu tenho um laço forte com meu pai, então meu lado profissional está bom, mas meu lado financeiro, que é o da mãe, não”, conclui.

Para a psicóloga Beatriz Coltro, psicoterapêutico é um termo que descreve as práticas profissionais dentro da Psicologia, enquanto terapêutico pode ter um sentido mais amplo no vocabulário do dia a dia. Ela explica que, em geral, é comum afirmarmos que algo é terapêutico quando aquilo nos faz bem: “Posso estar aqui tomando meu chá e dizer que chá é terapêutico para mim”.

Por isso, Beatriz acredita que se alguém passa por um processo de constelação e consegue ver a experiência como algo produtivo e que traz sentido a suas inquietações, pode entender a situação como terapêutica. O problema para ela é que, por conta das premissas da constelação, a prática acaba beneficiando algumas pessoas em prejuízo do reconhecimento da autonomia de outras e da possibilidade de livre expressão, “sustentando alguns preconceitos e concepções sobre o ser humano restritas e que já estão ultrapassadas, inclusive pela ciências humanas e sociais. Para a Maria [em alusão a uma mulher que faça constelação] It was okay, but because Maria lives in a sexist system where the resolution of conflict or pain can be tied to something very superficial, like hearing an apology that she thinks she should hear.

In addition to projects at universities, hundreds of institutions and companies offer the most diverse types of family constellation courses, with topics ranging from business and management to training for work as a therapist. A Google search for “family constellation cycles” returns over a million results, including multiple sponsored links. The promise of financial return is a recurring strategy to attract interested parties, as advertised through an online course that can be purchased in 12 installments for R$99: “With just 6 sessions, you will already pay for the entire course!”

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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