Moocqueca has registered nearly 30,000 subscribers since its launch

Moocqueca has registered nearly 30,000 subscribers since its launch

Six months after launch Mokweka platformUfes, a pioneering project that hosts short-term courses aimed at professional development, has 28,838 registrants (average 4,806 monthly registrations), distributed in 35 countries. Since its launch in May, several professionals have already been certified through the free course platform in areas such as languages ​​and idioms; Health and wellness; education; Communications and marketing; Gastronomy and culture.

According to data collected by the Dean of Extension (Proex), the most popular course was Communication in digital mediaWhich registered 6048 people. With a workload of up to 60 hours, classes aim to expand understanding of existing concepts, contexts, and communication tools, and to show how strategies can guide students in analyzing scenarios, making decisions, and solving problems at different levels.

With 3479 registered, the course Work-related mental health It was the second most searched by interested parties. Over the course of 60 hours, classes discuss how the world of work affects workers’ mental health and what pathways are necessary to improve working conditions, with the aim of promoting worker health.

Introductory account

However, according to Proex, the courses are currently most in demand by white people; feminine; They range in age from 19 to 28 years; With incomplete higher education; His main occupation is being a student; With a monthly income of one thousand to two thousand riyals; And who discovered the Moocqueca platform through social media.

Because courses can be taken by people with or without a connection to Ufes and are available through virtual learning environments, the vast majority of those enrolled have never studied at university. In addition to Brazilians (especially those from Espírito Santo), the platform attracted people from countries such as Germany, Angola, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Spain, USA, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, Mozambique, Mountain Lions, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Kyrgyzstan, United Kingdom, Romania and Vietnam

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The importance of the Moocqueca platform lies in expanding the range of mentoring courses offered and achieving Ufes’ internationalization goals, explains Fabiana Ramos, Proex’s mentoring policy manager. “We have registered participants from all states in Brazil, but also from different parts of the world. Having almost 30 thousand participants in just six months of operation is a great victory!”


According to Ramos, the next steps for Plataforma Moocqueca are to make the English version of the two courses available to the largest number of subscribers and to expand the catalogue, with four new courses opening later this year: Linking to the political educational project; Scientific research methodology: from theory to application; Grief and mental health; that it Google Sheets Online and ExcelOpen the financial and sales area.

Currently, the platform has 14 courses available. “For next year, we will issue a new notice with a selection of new course proposals. The platform is expanding and growing,” he concludes.

The Moocqueca platform was created by Proex, in partnership with the Distance Education Supervisory Authority (Sead) and the Secretariat for International Relations (SRI).

Text: Adriana Damasceno
Edited by: Teresa Marineau

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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