Mercado Pago Credit Card Agree To A Lot Of People: How To Apply?

last week , Payment market She began delegating the credit function to her clients. a Credit card Mercado Pago was created in partnership with Visa, and now adds to the debit card the company already offers. The limits are based on R $ 300, but there is information from customers of up to R $ 2,000.

It’s worth noting that, at first, Mercado Pago will make the credit function available only to those who previously had a debit card. According to Mercado Pago, as of midyear, a credit card should be available to anyone, including those who are not Mercado Pago customers.

Also read: Top 15 Brazilian Credit Cards with No Annual Fee

Mercado Pago Vice President, Tullio Oliveira stated, “It is a product that our user base has in great demand and we are very confident of the stickiness.”

For now, this functionality is exclusive to Brazil. This means that for now, the credit card will only be available to Brazilian customers. However, the company intends to gradually launch it in other markets. For annuities, customers who add at least R $ 50 charge to the invoice are released.

To check if you really have the credit job available, just access the Mercado Pago app available for it Male in appearance And iOS and click on Mercado Pago Card option on the main screen. Soon after, you will see the Visa sign, with the available options (debit or credit / debit) next to it. If the credit function is released, you will actually see the limit shown.

Also read: PicPay or Mercado Pago: What’s the Best Digital Wallet? See the comparison

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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