Malhação Sonhos: Duca and Roberta’s kiss in front of Bianca | Come to me around – he comes

Malhação Sonhos: Duca and Roberta’s kiss in front of Bianca |  Come to me around – he comes

Determined to warn her ex-husband of the danger of getting involved with a fighter from KhanMe goes to Aquazin And he says he’s making a huge mistake with the breakup. But Doka to follow directions Gayle (Eriberto Liao), Explains her decision:

“Bianca, look, don’t you think I’m really old to know what I’m doing with my life? (…) The problem is our relationship is over and you don’t want to accept that.”

Roberta (Danny Suzuki) tells Bianca (Bruna Hamo) that she and Doka (Arthur Aguiar) together – ‘Malhação Sonhos’ – Photo: Globo

In order to help Doka, Roberta (Danny SuzukiKicks and throws the grenade at Bianca:

“Honey, I hate to see a pretty girl like you humiliate yourself. If the boy says it’s over, believe me. Even because he’s not with Nat.”

Roberta (Danny Suzuki) accepts Doka (Arthur Aguiar) in front of Bianca (Bruna Hamo) – ‘Malhação Sonhos’ – Photo: Globo

To close the plan with prosperity, the master gives a big kiss to Duca. And it’s not just Bianca who gets stuck in the scene. Marcelo (Felipe Camargo), Which link to Aquazin To meet Roberta, he faces the kiss too.

Don’t miss emotions Dreams of exercise And learn more about the TV series at Week summary! Find out what will happen in Monday’s class:

17 May


Facing Doka Lobao. Dalva demands Doka to stay away from Nat. Lincoln tries to convince Gale that Jeff wants to fight. Nat begs Gail to take Bianca away from her. Wallace advises Jeff to pretend he’s learning to fight before going to dance lessons. Sol, Lyrio, and Rico speak to Santiago, and Pedro complains to his band’s singer. Roberta is contemplating using Doka to make Marcelo jealous. Sol expelled from Pedro’s squad. Jade deceives Nat to Bianca. Bianca and Doka discuss their relationship. Roberta accepts Duca in front of Bianca and Marcelo.

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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