Venezuela's dictator, Nicolas Maduro (photo), was unable to stop the investigation into crimes against humanity conducted by the International Criminal Court. On Friday, March 1, the Appeals Chamber of this court unanimously rejected a request from the Venezuelan government to suspend the investigation. On the same day, Maduro will hold a meeting with President Lula on the island of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
In 2020, A An independent UN mission accused Maduro of committing crimes against humanity. Experts studied nearly 3,000 cases and issued a 443-page report.
“The Mission found reasonable grounds to believe that the Venezuelan authorities and security forces have planned and carried out serious human rights violations since 2014, some of which – including arbitrary executions and the systematic use of torture – constitute crimes against humanity.said Marta Valeñas, head of the mission. “Far from being isolated acts, these crimes were coordinated and committed in accordance with state policies, with the knowledge of or with the direct support of leaders and senior government officials.“.
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