Kinder factory in Belgium reopens after salmonella controversy | Economie

Kinder factory in Belgium reopens after salmonella controversy |  Economie

Kinder reopens its factory after two months in Belgium

The Belgian Federal Food Safety Agency (AFSCA) on Friday (17) authorized the reopening of the Ferrero factory in Arlon after two months of closure. The unit was responsible for the production of Kinder chocolate contaminated with salmonella.

However, the authorization is valid for three months and all products must pass through agency analysts before being distributed.

“The reopening follows a thorough cleanup and food safety checks that were conducted in close cooperation,” Ferrero said in a statement.

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The company was forced to recall products after dozens of cases of salmonella in the UK. Investors are wondering if Ferrari has delayed reaction due to an issue diagnosed in December last year.

Products have also been withdrawn from the shelves of importing countries such as France, Canada and Australia.

According to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), there were 392 cases of salmonella in the European Union and the United Kingdom as of June. Another 22 cases are still under investigation.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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