Kim Jong Un is 'desperate' to get rid of nuclear weapons

Kim Jong Un is 'desperate' to get rid of nuclear weapons
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un during a visit to Russia in September 2023| Photo: EFE/EPA/Vladimir Smirnov/Sputnik/Kremlin Po.

Former South Korean President Moon Jae-in, who organized historic meetings between the North Korean dictator and Donald Trump, then US president, said in a new book that Kim Jong-un was “desperate” to get rid of his nuclear weapons. .

According to Jae In's reports, the communist leader of the North did not want his daughter's generation, who were expected to replace him in power, to live with this “burden.” The former South Korean president said that in doing so, Kim Jong Un had “sincerely demonstrated his commitment to denuclearization.”

The statement sparked severe criticism within his country, especially Kim Yong Ho, the Minister of Southern Unification and the main official responsible for the situation with the North.

He stated that it was unacceptable for Seoul to simply rely on the “good faith” of the North Korean dictator, putting its people and national security at risk. The minister said in a press conference: “Although we ignore the ability [nuclear] For North Korea, if we focus only on the North's intentions, it may lead to a misjudgment of the security situation.

Despite the Trump administration's diplomatic efforts to persuade Pyongyang to disband its nuclear program at the 2019 Hanoi summit, negotiations were unsuccessful. Since then, the Northern regime has significantly increased its involvement in the manufacture of ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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