Justice suspends quarantine for travelers in Guarulhos

Justice suspends quarantine for travelers in Guarulhos

Reuters/Roosevelt Cassio

Previously, passengers had to comply with the quarantine in Guarulhos (SP) before boarding domestic flights

In response to an appeal by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), Judge Antonio Cedeno of the Federal Regional Court for District Three (TRF-3) suspended the mandatory 14-day quarantine of passengers from abroad arriving at Guarulhos Airport (SP). Previously, passengers from South Africa, India and the UK had to comply with the quarantine before taking domestic flights through Brazil.

Anfisa warned in the request that keeping passengers in the city has led to a greater spread at the airport and on local transport, increasing the risk of the virus spreading. “Agency staff at airports have reported that passengers, who are prohibited from boarding national flights, end up traveling on public or interstate buses, taxis, or on-demand vehicles, to hotels or cities in different states of the country. Brazil, Increased risk of exposure to the virus and its spread to other individuals, the agency said.

In the decision, which has immediate effect, TRF-3 reiterates that the measure “causes the passenger to go to his accommodation, by mass air transport, in order to comply with the quarantine, which causes the vulnerability of the traveler, who does not have a reception plan, and increases the risk of “SARS-CoV-2″ transmission at airports.”

*Source: CNN Brazil

Original content: https://bit.ly/2Wt82br

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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