Is MEI credit for entrepreneurs registered with Bolsa Família worth it? Discover it

Is MEI credit for entrepreneurs registered with Bolsa Família worth it?  Discover it

from Bolsa Familia receives Could he benefit from some professional activities? To do this you will need Formalize your service delivery, And it becomes Mi (Individual small business owner). The federal government is considering launching loans to entrepreneurs to encourage their financial independence.

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Is MEI credit for entrepreneurs registered with Bolsa Família worth it? Find out (Photo: Jane de Oliveira/Franklin Roosevelt)

loan for Entrepreneurs who receive Bolsa Família It is still under study. The federal government should officially launch this option soon. The idea is for the professional to start his project Formalization of MEI, Collect taxes and contribute to Social Security, however Without excluding it from the stock exchange.

As a member of Bolsa Família, will you open MEI?

a Unlock MEI It's very simple, and it happens online. Anyone who carries out one of the activities that falls into this category can open his company with a number CNPJ is generated automatically.

There is a limit of Revenue is R$81,000 annually To fit this system. In addition to appointing a maximum of one employee, and preventing him from being a partner or owner of another company. today, Anyone who receives Bolsa Família can be a MEIBut her income is limited.

Therefore, many people She prefers to remain informal So that the grant continues to be paid and your quality of life does not suffer. The company is opened as follows:

  • arrive to Entrepreneur portal;
  • Click “I want to be MEI”;
  • Select the “Formalize” option;
  • Now, log in via;
  • Fill in the necessary fields.

Find out more about MEI Commitments Clicking In this regard Written by me.

Is the MEI loan that Bolsa Família receives worth it?

The answer is, it depends! before Request credit for MEI You need to understand if the product will help your company, and the premium value will fit into your budget.

Lula's government expectations are Reaching 44% of Bolsa Família beneficiaries Who earn more than R$800 and do some work. Sebrae will help provide credit.

Hey The loan will be worth it to:

  • Purchase more raw materials for production;
  • Invest in the growth of your company, in size or in product offerings;
  • Pay off debts that are hindering the progress of your business.
Laila Cunha

The author is a journalist and has been practicing since 2013. He is passionate about the field of communication and the audiovisual world. Her social networks are: @liilacunhaa, email: [email protected]

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