Intimate video leaks by JP Mantovani and the team takes action · TV News

Intimate video leaks by JP Mantovani and the team takes action · TV News

not confined Brazil Power Couple 5And the GB Mantovani An intimate video has been leaked online. In the material released on Wednesday (9), Lee Martins’ husband is shown masturbating during a video call. The participant’s team was informed that the material was out of date and that it had already taken appropriate measures to hold those responsible for its participation accountable.

“The circulating video of the artist, as you can see from his face and hair, is old. Joao Paulo was much younger at the time, and unfortunately someone in bad faith leaked the content to harm the participant,” the model’s press office informed.

In the note, the team also makes an appeal to The content is not posted by Internet users: “Remember that sharing intimate photos and records without consent is a crime. We are already taking all appropriate and necessary steps.”

During the confinement period in the reality show led by Adriane Galisteu, the former model and personality starred in some hot moments, which went viral on social networks. Rod Bala, Marcia Philip’s husband, He even criticized the way JB displays his private life with the rest of the house.

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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